Why do U.S. presidents fear Saudis?

by sf 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf


    Posted: August 28, 2002
    1:00 a.m. Eastern

    2002 WorldNetDaily.com

    I have often wondered why American presidents have often backed off from actions in the Middle East that that are clearly in our best interest. For instance, why did we not go into Baghdad and finish off Saddam Hussein during the Gulf War? Why did we meekly accept being kicked out of our air base in Saudi Arabia during the Afghan war? This is a base in which we invested hundreds of millions of dollars. Not to mention that we saved the Saudis from being invaded by Saddam in the Gulf War.

    Why have we put up with statements of some Saudi princes that indicate they believe we deserved the 9-11 terrorist attack because of our support for Israel? Why have we done so little about the evidence that reveals not only that most of the terrorists who struck us on 9-11 were from Saudi Arabia, but that the Saudis gave hundreds of millions of dollars to bin Laden and al-Qaida as a bribe not to overthrow the Saudi family.

    The Muslim clerics of Saudi Arabia are extremely anti-American. The Saudi royal family is one of the most vociferous critics of our plan to remove Saddam Hussein from power.

    So why have virtually all of our presidents for over 50 years deferred to the Saudis and taken abuse from them we wouldn't take from any of the other Middle East Muslim regimes?

    Of course, the most obvious answer is because the Saudis control the largest percentage of the world's proven oil reserves. We are more heavily dependent on them for our desperate need of oil than ever before. Also, many of our most wealthy and influential business barons are heavily invested in the Saudi Arabian oil industry. This includes some members of families that are related to both Democratic and Republican leaders.

    I believe this is clearly a factor, but it isn't the biggest threat our leaders fear from the Saudis. The biggest threat showed itself in the last couple of weeks when some members of the Saudi family pulled over $200 billion out of U.S. stocks and bonds and reinvested it in the European Union. This immediately caused the Euro dollar to rise against the U.S. dollar.

    Altogether, the Saudi royal family controls at least $600 billion in U.S. stocks and bonds. Some estimates indicate that they control as much $1 trillion. Factor in the fact that the entire U.S. stock market is worth about $3 trillion. Now just imagine what an impact it would have on the U.S. economy if all Saudi investments were pulled out of the U.S. and invested in the European Union. It would literally destroy the U.S. economy. It would shift the power and leadership of the West to Europe overnight.

    Is such a thing possible? Absolutely! The Saudis reached new heights of anger over some U.S. government officials calling them things like "a center of evil" and "supporters of Islamic terrorism." Never mind that it appears to be true.

    One of the most important factors I see in all of this is that Bible prophecy indicates that the political power of the West will be in Europe during the climactic events of the "last days." We are in that general time right now, so such possibilities as I have mentioned above are well within the scope of probability.

    Almost all of the other signs the prophets said to look for in the days just before the return of Jesus Christ are already here. So it's time to be prepared for some shocking events in the near future. If you want to know how to prepare, read my book, "The Everlasting Hatred: The Roots of Jihad."

    Edited by - sf on 29 August 2002 17:26:3

  • outoftheorg

    well I have a little different take on all this.

    It is my belief that all of the regimes in that part of the world-Saudies-Egypt- and on and on are all very corrupt. Their populations are living in squalor. This makes the population ripe for indroctrination by the rabid extremist versions of Islam. The ruling parties or in the case of Saudi and others ruling families, have a very tenuous hold on their rulership and fear an uprising of their people. An uprising I think they deserve. This uprising could then spread throughout that part of the world.

    Imagine for a moment the chaos that would cause. Especially to the parts of the world that depends on them for their oil. Add to that the possibility of these extreme islam leaders taking over and all of these countries being ruled like Iran is now. Or worse.

    Add to that the existing hatred of arabs for jews and jews for arabs and both sides ready for some kind of war. Any kind.

    I think this is the reasons that prompt the US to tolerate the vascilations of the Saudies and others.

    Only my opinion- Outoftheorg

  • apostate

    I am doubting the accuracy of the info above. Microsoft alone worth about 500 billion (1/2 trillion). The arabs don't know how to make money. They only sell oil.

    US would have never paid so much money (1/3 of the value of it's economy) to the Saudies. They would have developed alternative fuel to gasoline or get the oil from Canada instead. (Canada has huge oil fields, near the amount of the Arab oil fields all together.

    The financial world is owned by the jews (free masons) living all around the world. The Arabs are lazy. What did they contribute to the society? Those Arabs countries who doesn't have oil did not advanced since Jesus' time. They still ride donkeys, the only advancment they made is that they carrie machine guns on their soulders.

    They don't allow their women (half of their work force) to work. They pray five times every day. Can you imagane the amount of time they waste doing it over the decades or centuries? If they wouldn't have oil they would starve like the Africans.

    I think they playing with the fire to mess with the jews. Since by far the most riches and influential people in the modern world are jews, they could easily influance most European countries together with North-America to turn against the Arabs.

    All the modern world has to do is to develop new energie source and the Arabs would slowly destroy themselves. These guys try to destroy the US, their cash cow.

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