Anthony Morris III life story

by campaign of hate 25 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • oppostate
    My last GB was John Barr. What a prick...he ran off the stage and hid back in admin, not wanting to talk to any jws.

    The Administration area was like a big celebrity's dressing room backstage.

    That's where the connected ones hung out. You needed special access and were given a card saying administration. For security reasons the cards weren't any longer put behind the convention badge so only the word Administration showed and most bigwigs just kept it in a pocket.

    I usually got to go in there for a morning or afternoon shift with the rooming dept. We'd call up Hotels and make sure things were going smoothly.

    There were a lot of perks, coffee, goodies, Bethelites from all over would show up there and you could spend most of the session chatting.

    The hierarchy definitely gets much preferential treatment in the Organization, just like any other worldly corporation.

  • blondie
    shadow, he always loved it. About that time Jaracz had been approached as he came off the platform by a reporter and looked like a fool. Barr was afraid there was a reporter lurking. At that convention, Barr told jws during the last talk of the convention that if their adult children were not in good standing when Armageddon came they and their minor children would die forever. Maybe that is why he ran.
  • steve2

    When he said his 'sons were in the truth and that made [him] look good', as well as thinking about how bad this must make Jehovah feel (awkward moment in heaven as the good angels look sideways at Jehovah due to the bad ones who defected to Satan :( ) more relevantly I thought of all those sincere, damn hardworking brothers and sisters whose sons and daughters have left. What a prick to parade his offspring being in the organization as an overt point of pride.

    On another level, the difference I see is the organization parading its GB members as 'successul' parents because the track record for the leaders' having kids ain't inspiring: Their children have usually been conspicuously few (and seldom mentioned) or they've been in childless marriages (usually by 'choice', if that's the right word).

    Now, at least one of them can say, 'Hey, I can say from personal experience how to successfully raised 'em in the truth.'

    The learning point for me is, with or without offspring, AMIII is one repulsively self-satisfied man.

  • millie210
    campaign of hate.
    Also, from baptism (1971) to GB appointment (2005) it took him 34 years to rise to the top. That is an alarmingly short period of time for a convert who was 21 at his baptism.
    He must have licked some serious ass to rise that quick.

    Isnt he the one from a rich family? Maybe that had something to do with it.

  • campaign of hate
    campaign of hate

    Any guy who puts a 3rd after his name has to have a bit of cash.

    He's a pathetic excuse of a man. Actually, his sons look like pathetic excuses for men. Not their fault really...

    Most GB members i can just about tolerate. He is an exception. Repulsive "man".

  • airborne
    Anthony Morris III's EGO is so BIG he could never fit in those tight pants he's so obsessed with.
  • steve2

    If AMIII ever falls from grace, man that will be one big ruction in the organization, making Ray Franz and co's departure look like a little ripple!

    Big egos need lots of elevated space.

  • fulano

    Anyone who puts " the third" after his name is not taken serious, from european perspectief I mean. It's like the knighted for Some effort and who wants to be called Sir all day long.Yes.... Why not calling him Sir Anthony.

  • done4good

    why on earth would his life story be in the watchtower ? is this hero worship a new feature in the cult now ?

    It seems to be more and more part of their program these days.


  • flipper
    Anthony Morris is a big ass egotist to the hilt to be making statements that his children make him and his wife look good. To many JW men in authority positions- it's all about appearance. In fact- to most members who are JW's - it's all about appearance. What your ranking is, how your " standing " in the congregation is. How are you " advancing " ? Not " advancing " in the fruitages of the spirit or " Christian " qualities- but how are you " advancing " or moving up in the organization . Are you a pioneer yet ? Work on it, it's not enough. Are you an elder ? Are you a ministerial servant ? Everyone is judged based on how much they are putting out for the WT organization- not how humble, meek, or kind they are. That's why bastards like Tony Morris excel in that environment

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