Cruel Irony and Jurisdiction

by Grunt 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Grunt

    Although it has probably been discussed. I find the latest KM on disfellowshipping to be a particularly annoying pack of half-truths. First of all, its title "Display Christian Loyalty When a Relative is Disfellowshipped" says it is about relatives who are disfellowshipped and then in the first paragraph it says it applies "equally to those who are disfellowshipped and those who disassociate themselves."

    As usual they twist scriptures and try to make people who walked away and disagreed with them seem like those condemned at 1 Cor.5:11,13:

    "anyone called a brother that is a fornicator or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man....Remover the wicked man from among yourselves."

    Those don't fit people who leave over conscience or because they are sick of the cult. To apply it to them is a lie.

    However, I think an honest person can see how these sins do fit the Jehovah's Witnesses as an organization.

    Greed? Vows of poverty for their workers? A "cultural" society in Mexico until money wasn't affected? How about the most cruel greed of all, the one addressed in this KM, demanding total devotion to the organization at the individuals expense? They don't care how many mom's get frozen out by their children as this article later elevates to near heroism.

    Revile - To regard or treat as vile; to use abusive or contemptuous language in speaking to or about; to call bad names.

    If every preacher or church they ever reviled were able to have a dollar penalty levied for defamation then this bunch would be broke. They are using this very article to revile any who have left the cult for any reason at all and to extort shunning towards them from relatives still "in."

    Extort - To get by violence, threats, misuse of authority; exact or wrest from.

    Already mentioned one instance but to me the misuse of authority just in the cases regarding Ms. Anderson, Bill and the sexually abused and then disfellowshipped kids and their parents speak well to the misuse of authority and the obedience they wrest from followers. The violence done to so many innocent loving hearts by this bunch speaks to the quality of their own hearts.

    Idolatry - Excessive devotion or reverence for some person or thing.

    Their self administered titles tell you a lot. Claiming to be the only true religion, the only organization being used by God, the channel, the "Faithful and Discreet Slave." They demand idolatry while bragging on being humble.

    I find the verse they left out of the Corinthians quote interesting as it seems to me it says anyone who leaves is beyond even their twisted view of their "jurisdiction."

    Here it is:
    12 For what do I have to do with judging those outside? Do YOU not judge those inside, 13 while God judges those outside?

    I am not "inside." I walked out and shut the door. I don't claim to be a "brother." I quickly inform anyone who is interested of all the reasons I am not a "brother" in this cult. They are condemned by the very scriptures they quote.

    The example of their model for behavior says it all, to paraphrase the KM's example

    "We love you Mom, but uh, unless it involves something really important (MONEY!) we won't be in touch again.
    Love ya! bye forever."

  • outnfree

    Well, Grunt? I don't have much to say except, "hear, hear"!

    The destruction is devastating, the direction is evil.

    ((((((((((((All Shunned Ones))))))))))))))


  • Grunt

    Thanks, Outnfree, I am always hoping that a lurker will actually read and think about the situation. If they weren't a little openminded they wouldn't be lurking. I did think the part they left out was kind of interesting. The example they put in of two kids blackmailing their mom into attending by first saying they loved her and next saying she wouldn't be hearing from them again made me want to puke. Looks like I would be so used to it by now that it wouldn't bother me, but it does.


  • onacruse

    It doesn't take away the pain, but fwiw, sources tell me that the general reception to this KM article has so far been fairly cool. Comments along the line of "individual JWs are deciding to do what they will do, regardless of this article," and "those that have df'd relatives feel very differently about this article than those who have never had to face the issue personally."


  • Wolfgirl

    My family sure paid attention to it. They didn't even bother to tell me that my grandmother had a second stroke and had to go to hospital again. Gee, I would have thought that fell in the lines of fairly important.

    Good points, Grunt. Never thought of it that way before.

  • Simon

    (((Wolfgirl))) However many similar accounts I hear, I never cease to be amazed at how cruel some people can be because 'someone told them to be'

  • Grunt


    I am so sorry. I hate to say it but I think most of the Witnesses who are willing to shun close relatives see being cut off from important news like yours was as part of the "price" of being cut off. Now if it were MONEY or something like that, it is amazing how quickly you can be informed. At least that has been my experience.


  • ugg

    wolfgirl.....many many hugs to you.....this is all so sad....

  • ugg

    wolfgirl,,,,many many hugs to you.....this is so awful

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