Executive Slave Class

by Beans 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Beans

    We are looking for some volunteers to join The Executive Slave Class! You will be responsible for events at your local Apostfest such as organizing the Non Theocratic Ministry School which will be an eventful game at your next festival.

    Nothing is in stone yet as this is a new thing and much work is yet to be done. Your input is welcome.


    Canadian Overbeer

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    i would like to apply; for apostatefest. as grand pubbahr since i,m the chief apostate in the bronx. always stopping jws to ,give them a head spinning apostate tidbit. now i,m aware there are a large number of elderapostates with more experince out there but i don,t know of any that put more time in the field than i...as for the fun and activites i vote for the old olympic favorate " see which apostate can make the 85 yr old jw with a cane run down the street fastest.. then which apostate can recite the most wt contridictions in 30 seconds or less. and always a crowd pleaser. which apostate can make a jw scream out your persecuting me first . and the ever popular tie a jw to a stake and stone him with wATCHTOWER BOOKS. SORRY I HAVE to go now their waiting for me at the make the elder foam at the mouth with wt prophecies event...john

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