Hi everyone, just registered

by Jsandmusic 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jsandmusic

    Just found this place. It looks like some really sensible posting is going on, for the most part. I'm not a JW, but I have family "in the truth?" and a very good friend, who would probably be DF'ed if it were known about our fellowship.
    Reading some of the posts was quite refreshing after some of the other places I've been where you have to dig through stuff like atheists, satanists and who knows what else trying to push an agenda.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Welcome, Jsandmusic. Nope, no agendas here (except for Fredhall and MDS....but we either ignore them or treat them like mascots). As a matter of fact, most of us have trouble spelling "agenda". We much prefer conversation.

  • Gopher

    Hi Bob. I'm a "newbie" as well, but let me be among the first to welcome you here!

    I "lurked" and watched for about 3 weeks, and came to the same conclusion you did. This is a very worthwhile place to come visit.

    I was DF'd about a year ago, and for the last few months have had an aching loneliness until I found this DB. This place is helping me get on with life. (Just thought you'd like a real-life testimony.)

  • NewLight2

    Hi Jsandmusic,

    And welcome aboard! I'm also fairly new to this board. I have mostly been posting at H2O.


  • VeniceIT

    Well, well, well, glad to have you all. There seems to be some a lot of newbies here and that's great, I hope you love it as much as I do. It really has helped me to move on and deal with so many issues of being in a mind control cult my whole life.

    Take care


  • Gianluca

    Welcome to this board! I’m sure you will find lot’s of info to use when having conversations with JW’s. And you you will discover even before most JW’s know about it!!


    The three essential human freedoms:
    The first is freedom of speech and expression.
    The second is freedom of conscience.
    The third is freedom from fear.

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