Reunion With Long-Lost Brother Tonight!!!

by Bendrr 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bendrr

    First a little background. I've mentioned before that my dad is actually my step-dad. Though I call him my dad, and he really is "Dad" sometimes I do refer to him as my step-dad. Well here's the story, or at least what I know. Way back in the late 60's my mom went through a rebellious phase. She married a worldly guy. I think she was actually df'd for a while. She refuses to talk about it at length so my info is very sketchy. After two miscarriages, third time was the charm and I was born. I was born after she and my father had parted, though I'm not sure if the divorce happened before or after.

    In '74 she met and married my [step] dad. I remember him coming over to court my mom who was living with her parents at the time and I even vaguely remember him taking us to a drive-in movie "Call of the Wild" in his old Ford Falcon that he bought for $25. Hell, I even remember seeing pics of me at their wedding in '74 (quick courtship!) and for all those years as a kid never thought a thing odd about it.

    So in 1980, my [biological] father died. Motorcycle wreck (actually murdered by a biker gang, but nothing was ever proven). It was then that my [step]dad adopted me and had my name changed. Up to then I went by Charles Michael Ganas, was registered in school under that name, and as far as I knew that was my name. It wasn't. It was Larry Michael Norsworthy. (I'm baring all here, I don't care who knows my name) Though I'd never met my father, he wanted to be a part of my life and my mom and step-dad wouldn't let him. He and my grandmother even tried to find my mom and me, but somehow she managed to avoid them. (that info I gathered from conversations with my father's family when I first met them 10 years ago)

    Anyway, the reason my name wasn't legally changed until after my father's death is because he wouldn't consent to the adoption. And all these years I've always been told that he abandoned my mom and me. Now I'm starting to doubt that.

    Larry "Skeeter" Norsworthy (yes my mom named me after him and yes I was sired by someone named "Skeeter"), had another son by a different wife. Joel is my older half-brother. I met him about 10 years ago when I first started tracking down the family. Pretty cool guy, but way redneck.

    I've posted before about my grandfather being a customer at my shop and me suddenly recognizing him. He was by last week for an oil change and of course we had a nice visit. He kind of scolded me for not staying in touch with Joel and gave me Joel's number. So I called Joel night before last and we had a great talk. He wants me to come over tonight and that's where I'm headed in a little while. All this time, Joel has thought I got mad at him when I last saw him. He'd had a few beers and made some kind of wisecrack which I just took as kidding, but he thought he'd made me mad especially since that was the last time I saw him and it's been 10 years.

    So tonight's gonna be a small family reunion. I'm so excited! I get to see my nephew Levi who is now 10, and Joel's other son who is like 16 or 17. Last time I saw Levi, he was a newborn. Oh yeah and I get to see Joel's race car. He's getting into stock car racing. Maybe he'll let me take her for a spin!

    This time, it's gonna be different. Back when we first met, I was maybe 21 or so and really still just an immature kid fresh out of the dubs. I didn't get close to anyone back then, and haven't for a lot of years. Now I'm 30 and looking at how lonely life has been and I want some family in my life. I'm not going to let another 10 years go by. I'm going to take tonight to get closer to my brother and his family. My grandfather also reminded me that I need to come over and see him and he's right. The man's pushing 80 and we've had zero time together. That's gonna change too.

    So this weekend is going to be a happy time I haven't had in a long time. Y'all wish me the best! I'll tell you all about it tomorrow on this thread so keep it on the high pages.


    p.s. Just a final thought. My grandfather, uncle, and aunts all asked about my mom when I met them. My grandfather still asks about her every time he sees me. They all just loved her to death. My mom once even admitted how much she liked my grandfather and my aunt Kitty. But she just turned her back on them thirty years ago and I can tell it really hurt my grandfather. She doesn't like the fact that I've gotten in touch with "those people". Well god damn, mom! The Empire says my parents can't be my family now so just what the hell do you expect?!!

    Should any of you weasels at Bethel happen to be reading this to see what the other side is up to, you tell those old geezers in charge that my JW parents do at least stay in touch with me on the phone every week so you can take your shunning policy and stick it and all of you can kiss my APOSTATE ass while you're at it!

    Edited by - bendrr on 17 August 2002 17:54:26

  • onacruse

    May tonight indeed be a happy and memorable occasion for you!

    Reconstructing ourselves is a long and painful process, but we CAN do it and find the peace and satisfaction that you are going to enjoy tonight.


  • anewlife

    Bendrr: I'm so happy for you!!!!! Family is so very important and if you have family that wants to be a part of your life, I say go for it and soak it all in! I recently reconnected with a part of my family in another state that was happy to see me after 10+ years. It was wonderful, so I know the excitement you feel! I'll be thinking about you and looking for your post tomorrow.

    Have a GREAT TIME!


  • FreeFallin

    Dear Bendrr

    Time slips away from all of us...I'm glad you're reconnecting with your family before it's too late.


  • Simon

    Hope you have a great time catching up Bendrr

    I lost a lot of time with my Dad because of the WTS policies so I know how you must feel.

  • sf

    Most Excellent

    Breathe it allllllll in and cease the moments.


  • termite 35
    termite 35

    I hope it'll be a fantastic evening for you; all that love for you just waiting and they were never 'in the truth'? Strange that ..?!!!

    I'm really excited for you Bendrr.

    Update please!

  • Prisca


    I've been following your story over the past year or so, and I love getting the next installment.

    Hope you have a great time catching up with your relatives, savour every moment you have with them, especially with your grandfather. Time goes too quickly these days, and precious moments can be lost. Make sure you take photos too - they can be treasured for many years to come.

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