The logics of a syndrome.....

by Syndromology 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Syndromology

    Why do people connect to cults like these?

    Your responses please, put in all the scientific jargon u can use

    this is fun with you folks!!

  • SYN

    One can definitely view it as a derivative symptom of their internal cognitive dissonance.

    Scientific enough for ya?

    Mainly, it's about fear. As is most religion.

  • ISP

    Some are born into it and are too scared to change.


  • Vivamus

    Can't quote the entire book for you! So:

    Steven Hassan "Combating Cult Mind Control"

    I recommend it wholeheartedly. An excellent and insightful read.

  • Syndromology

    Yeah, i like the dissonance theory. It isa perfect explanation for this phenomenon. Well i think it's more than just a derivative. It's like a circle once you're in this situation the symptom feeds the dissonance more because of still seeing something of the outside world. Especially so with Witness because of the prozelytizing nature of their worship. the problems is perpuated only to be stopped by an incident like you hormones letting you "stumble" hhahaha, or going to great sites like these!! hahah (drip, drip..) and getting excomunnicated, df'ed as they say

  • DakotaRed

    I see people very disillusioned with the world today. Everywhere you turn, there is less and less real people contact. Even here, do we actually meet these people? Lately, yes. But, many never meet the people they talk to here. We pump gas at an machine that we activate with our ATM cards. We order prescriptions over the phone or through mail order and no human contact. We hide in our homes and let everything outside pass by.

    So, along comes well dressed friendly Jay Dub with a message of better things ahead and offers of contact and love. Paradise is just around the corner, they say. What they don't tell you, until after they have you snared, is the cost of wishing for this paradise of theirs to come. By the time you find out, you are buried, hook, line and sinker to a cult.

    Groups like the Watchtower fit in real well with modern times that many can't cope with. They take advantage of us and when we find out we were duped, it is hell getting out and comes a great expense to our emotions and self esteem. The Watchtower knows this and takes full advantage of it.

    At least, that's pretty much how I see it.

    Lew W

  • ThiChi

    Hey, if you dont mind being told what to do, and you dont mind letting others do the thinking for you (there are many out there!), Cults can be fun!

    The fellowship is great (that is, if you dont step out of line). Everyone is called your Brother and Sister.

    Do you like to control others while you are being controlled? Then a cult is the right place to be! Plenty of room for advancement!

    Would you like free Room & Board, with others slaving over you? Hey, this Cult must be blessed! Just put in some time spreading the Cults message and before long, you got it made, living off others hard earned $$. And to top it off, they will thank you for letting them help you! Sweet!

    Edited by - thichi on 14 August 2002 18:48:42

  • Mimilly

    Syndromology - this is off topic, but please refer to my new thread called 'Please....'

    Thank you hon.


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