Reasons and Questions....

by Deacon 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Deacon

    I read very carefully ISP and Farkels's comments regarding why people stay/leave the Organisation. In writing that sentence, Im very aware of the influence of being a member from childhood....41 years worth, behind me.

    Both contributors made excellent informative points from their singular perspective, although opposite in view, the parallel was on the same axis, therefore just extremes of the same understanding, sort of left and right of the same line so to speak....but it made sense to me and gave me time to think about reasons....

    I am STILL a Jehovahs Witness. No, I dont go to meetings, No I dont go out in the ministry, no I dont associate with other JW's....but the upbringing, the regimentation, the responsibilities, the mental regulating of 41 years has coded me to think, react and do in accordance with the actions of being a JW....

    This is something that will take a long time, if ever to remove, and its a hard job deciding what needs to be removed, not all of the training was bad.

    I still believe in Jehovah. I still believe in an earthly paradise, I still believe in biblical standards regarding morals, I still believe in a people for his name....

    Im not sure about when, Im less than convinced about the anointed, it would seem unlikely that so many false hopes, so many misleadings over the past 100 years would have been allowed by a much lack of humility collectively by the much power play....the change in direction re generation in '95 blew me away...but it wasnt unexpected...lots of other things too, but we all have our private thoughts on certain matters...

    I stayed for such a long time because of the book of Jude...I believed it wholeheartedly, I saw evidence of it, and consequently TOTALLY DISMISSED all negative thoughts for 38 years re: whether it all made sense or not...and I would not have left even now except for circumstances....and taking advantage of that circumstance, I made a decision to dissapear from the scene.

    Im on my own now..away from the influence and conscience of JW's...but not free from my upbringing...I still pray to Jehovah, daily for guidance as to what to do..I pray for direction as to where to go for spiritual sustenance, I still worry about the future..armageddon and all that...I still feel that the moral code has to be applied, but I no longer have an opinion on others consciences about it...

    I cant sit here and use terms like "the borg" comfortably...I have respect for the integrity of the people and the beliefs they hold...but I dont have to agree or fight them.

    I no longer am sure as to the biblical interpretion of blood tranfusions...but Im fairly comfortable that what I decide to do would be done with a God oriented it right or wrong in others eyes....he has to judge me on that anyway...

    And would be true to say that I dont know if Ive made the right decision in faith is that he will direct me...forward...or back...either way, there doesnt seem to be a wrong choice for where Im at....

  • Deacon

    one other thing. Its my wifes birthday today. Both of us skirted round the issue...sort of a brief hug etc...the indoctrination goes deep for both of us...

    But anyway..I just want to say honey that Ill buy you a present another day..not on your birthday....LOL

    But any day of the week, i love you to pieces...and thank you for being my wife...XXXXX

  • RedhorseWoman

    Deacon, I've found that eventually the programming DOES fade. The ethics and morals you took to heart as a JW, however, are unlikely to do so. I've found that people who are intrinsically good and ethical remain so, whether they are active JWs or not. The ridiculous little foibles tend to fall away over time, however.

    I've found that my relationship with Jehovah is much more real now than when I was active. I no longer feel constrained to relate to Him according to the dictates of an organization. I've also learned to become aware of His guidance when I pray for something. He will direct you toward what you need.

    The holidays. This is one aspect that, in my situation anyway, has been tainted forever, I fear. The joy has been taken out of them. I found that I enjoyed them to a certain degree when my daughter was small, but now that she's grown, the celebrations have gone with her.

    I guess the major thing I have tried to do is to allow myself to be open to ideas, thoughts, and feelings. Initially, I continued to believe all of the JW doctrines. However, after allowing myself to evaluate life experiences objectively, I've found that a lot of those core beliefs have been greatly shaken. At this point, I'm just enjoying learning and experiencing.

  • Jackson

    I agree with RedHorseWoman. Also, praying directly to Jesus is pretty cool.

  • notperfectyet

    You have no biblical reason not to wish your wife a happy birthday. You will celebrate the anniversary of your marriage wont you? Or will that be bringing honor to a marriage, and not a divorce? Isn't it the same?
    It's not that a person was born, but what he did with his life, is what is important. So why should we celebrate a marriage date, when even after 25 or more years of marriage, do we know if it is succesful? Who judges in this day if a persons life, or their marriage is successful?, and when they die, who can testify for them?

    (not a stupid wife class)

  • Prisca

    sounds like someone's not a very happy wife...!!!

    better get her a pressie, Deacon!

  • Deacon
    Deacon can have your present today....

    (fast learning husband class)

    Edited by - Deacon on 16 March 2001 23:23:4

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