Interesting Book I Started Last Night

by dobby 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • dobby

    I started an interesting Fiction novel last night entitled "The Rapture of Canaan", sadly I don't have the author's name as I type this the book is not with me, but it is one of the Oprah books. My sister talked me into getting it because it is a story about a girl who grows up in an extremely controlling cult started by her Grandfather.

    The book is an easy read, (I just started last night but am half way done), and has interesting bits that remind me of the JW's.

    It's good for a Sunday afternoon, paper read, feet up, favorite chair, favorite drink, (and if you are lucky rain against the window pane) and the best part- no meeting to go and to no Watchtower to study. Bliss.

    Check it out.

  • MikeMusto

    Oprah is the anti christ

  • dobby

    Oprah, the antichrist?

    Not that I doubt you brother Mike, but did I miss some "new light"? Are you sure this is "present truth?" seems quite likely her hairstyle circa 1988 alone is enough to convince me. LOL

  • aluminutty

    Now come on, your pulling my leg . . . Oprah, the antichrist?! Nope, that can't be. Oprah has much too sexxy a voice to be the antichrist. You do however bring up an interesting point. It has been mentioned on the board that the "silent lambs" may be afforded the Oprahtunity to tell their stories on her show. If this pans out, Oprah would then be, in the eyes of the average r an f dub, the antichrist. (As if JW's ever cared much about Christ, michael, oh whom ever he was, anyway) No dateline, no Oprah, no Smerfs, heck, what will dubs be able to watch.

    Edited by - aluminutty on 8 August 2002 10:25:24

  • Princess

    I read that book Dobby, one of the few of her book club books that I liked. Good cult parallels.


  • scootergirl

    I too read the book and enjoyed it.

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