Your Interpretation on Psychopathic Psychology?

by invisible 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • invisible

    Anyone here with a fairly accurate analysis in a nutshell of WTBTS theology and psychopathic behaviourial disordered programming?

    Celtic Mark - Cornwall UK

  • larc

    Mark, I don't understand your question. Everyone here knows WT theology. I know you do. The last part about psycopathic behavioral disordered programing is also a mystery to me. That does that term mean? I have never seen it before?

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Emotional misfits.

    Guest 77

  • invisible

    Official figures, 1 in 200 individuals have what is known as psychopathic disorders. This does not mean that every psychopath is a serial killer, however, there are personality traits which are prevalent in many psychopaths that reveal a lack of empathy, a lack of normal thought processes cognition that most people have. A psychopath upon committing a crime does not have the normal thought stopping techniques in place, s/he carries out the intended motive without emotion.

    Of WTBTS theology. Are there any similarities in behaviour between psychopaths and the men at the top of the WT? Read about the subject and see if any bridges of thought cross upon your mind and let me know if you would please.

    Celtic Mark - Cornwall UK

  • invisible
  • Francois

    Please see "The True Believer," Eric Hoffer. All your questions and more you haven't even thought of are answered here, or there, depending on how you look at it.


  • hillary_step


    You might want to think twice about the Eric Hoffer book, he was after all an American....

    Best - HS

  • invisible

    An American eh?!! Must be a must read, either of you have the ISBN number please? Would love to peruse the book mentioned - thankyou.

    Celtic Mark - Cornwall UK

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