Australians: Wanting to set up Ozzie Contact List

by Jang 0 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Jang

    I am often asked for Ozzie Contacts to help support someone.

    You know what it is like when you come out .... it's nice to be able to chat on boards like this, but sometimes it is nice to have another face to look at who doesn't judge you or look at you like you had three heads when you tell them you were once a JW.

    If you are in OZ, and are willing to be a contact in your area, please send me the following details.

    Please don't post all this here .... send it to [email protected]

    Thanks heaps Jan Groenveld, Brisbane, OZ

    PS: Will get to you lot overseas later Unless, of course, you want to do it now.

    The Items marked with u will NEVER be given out to anyone without your permission.

    u Your real name:

    v Can I give this name to people or do you prefer I use your Alias:

    v Your Alias:

    u Your personal EMail Address:

    v Your Alias Email Address:

    u Your Home Address:

    u OR- Your Suburb/Town and State :

    v How long were you in the Org:

    v Are you still undercover (Still have family in):

    v What congregations (in case they may know you in which case I will give them alternates - from the other side of town if necessary):

    v Did you hold any positions:

    v What were they and for how long:

    v Are you in contact with other X's in your area:

    v Do you have BBQ's, or get-togethers in your area:

    v Anything else you want to tell me that may help.

    Thanks again and one day I look forward to meeting you.

    Jan Groenveld

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