by new boy 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • new boy
    new boy

    The old man and the boy where working in the field one day.

    A man with a back pack and an angry look on his face walked up to them. He said " I 'm looking to move to your city can you tell me what the people are like here?"

    The old man said " what were the people like where you came from?" The man said " they were bad, mean and hatful I couldn't wait to get out of there." The old man said "you find people just like that here." "Thanks for warning " said the stranger " "I'll go somewhere else."

    A few weeks latter another man walked up to the old man and young boy. He said "tell me old man what the people are like here because I think this maybe my new home" " What were the people like were you came from"? the old man asked, "the were wondwerful, I loved them, we all cried when I left"------------"well" the old man said "thats the way people are like here, Just like that." The stranger smiled and walk to the city.

    "Why Grandfather did you tell those two men different things?" "I didn't" said the old man "For whatever a man sees in himself is what he will see everywhere else."

    "ingorance is 100% curable"----------------Jessie Cahill

  • libra_spirit

    New boy,

    That is a good story. It really explains how the JW's seem to find persecution everywhere in the world....LOL!

    Have you been searching for answers in the eastern beliefs? I heard that story from my first Karate teacher. He was one who helped to open me to other ways of looking at myself. I think we all see others the way we see ourselves, and much of what we say about others, is really a reflection of where we are at mentally and emotionally. Awesome! Glad to have you here on the board.

  • new boy
    new boy

    To Libra

    I lean to the eastern way of thought. I don't believe dogma, eastern or other wise. The Buddist thought helped me get on my currant path. Are you a libra? I was born on Oct.1 I'm a double Libra.

    You mention regression, This very helpful, You may want a canneling. many of your questions will be answered. I say many not all because we only get the information that is for are highest and most good.

  • Bodhisattva

    An interesting piece of wisdom, forms of this story have appeared in many places. I have heard it at several circuit assemblies, but of course for the witnesses, it is usually addressed to the person who they think sees badness wherever they go (the observing child is not even in the story, it is usually elders at city gates speaking with potential newcomers). The person may in fact be merely paranoid or unpleasant, in which case this story is an appropriate form of counsel. But they may also be bipolar and need more help than a short parable. Or they may see that real evil is going on - child sexual abuse, physical abuse of children or spouses, favoritism by elders, etc. - and should be listened to rather than dismissed as cranks. But for a young child growing up in a healthy environment, the truism "Wherever you go, there you are" (as Gertrude Stein put it) is a good lesson.

    The god of the dolphins has flippers.

    George Bush is the Forrest Gump of shady business.

  • zenpunk

    I always loved that story. It's all about your attitude, not other people.

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