Richard Dawkins talking about a Creator

by FusionTheism 89 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • FusionTheism

    Richard Dawkins admitted that information inside of DNA, and the origin of life on earth, might point to intelligent designers, perhaps extraterrestrials.

    (See )

    Richard Dawkins further admitted, in a debate with Francis Collins for TIME Magazine, that science might point to a Creator existing, but that this Creator might not be anything like Yahweh:


    TIME: "Could the answer be God?"

    DAWKINS: "There could be something incredibly grand and incomprehensible and beyond our present understanding."

    COLLINS: "That's God."

    DAWKINS: "Yes. But it could be any of a billion Gods. It could be God of the Martians or of the inhabitants of Alpha Centauri. The chance of its being a particular God, Yahweh, the God of Jesus, is vanishingly small--at the least, the onus is on you to demonstrate why you think that's the case."

    (See,9171,1555132,00.html )


    Richard Dawkins on Morality without God (from 1995):

    "The universe... there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference."

  • FusionTheism
  • freemindfade

    I agree with Dawkins, and i don't think this is some bombshell of him admitting evidence of god. It's all 'could'.

    Anything is possible, we could be planted and evolved by another alien race, we could be engineered by them, we could be a dream, a hologram, in the Matrix... we could be a fart coming out of the butt of the Bhudda... it's all 'could's' and not 'is'. Always fun stuff to think about. But when we jump to the conclusion of some fantastic explanation for things that make up us and our universe, we find out they are much less magic fantasies and more practical explanations. Our beliefs should be guided by what we know IS true. Always a safer bet, then you aren't blaming the god's for sending a comet to cause famine and so on and so on...

  • _Morpheus

    Imstead of wasting time (thats a pun in this case) trying to take dawkins words to mean what you want instead of what he actually meant, hows about you explain why it was ok for god to kill 70,000 of his own people over davids "sin" of taking a cenus.

    Maybe you could tittle that thread "why its ok for christains to serve a god who kills his own people over someone elses mistake"

  • freemindfade


    What is your point of this, or are you just sharing the Dawkins stuff? Or do you have something about it you'g like to share about what it means to you if anything? What's the point little FT is trying to convey. again, if any...

  • FusionTheism


    You sound exactly like the Watchtower!

    I posted direct quotations and video of Richard Dawkins himself and you accuse me of "twisting" his words to try to mean something else!

    That's precisely why I didn't add any commentary, but see! It still didn't matter, I was still accused of twisting his words.

  • freemindfade

    Maybe you missed this, I'll post it again for you, if you just want to post it thats great, thank you.


    What is your point of this, or are you just sharing the Dawkins stuff? Or do you have something about it you'd like to share about what it means to you if anything? What's the point little FT is trying to convey. again, if any...?

  • Oubliette

    FT, obviously you did not, cannot or will not understand what Dawkins said and what he meant.

  • _Morpheus

    Lets review ob... Ft is still in a cult

    annnnnd didnt respond to my bible question

  • galaxie
    As with all of us, Dawkins has realised the limitations of our physical brain and what follows is guesswork from his own grey matter.

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