Interesting resource site

by paradisebeauty 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • paradisebeauty

    I dound an interesting site from a christian group that has similar doctrines - but more sound I'd say

    They have free audio books and free podcasts.

    If you read / listen, what do you think of them?

  • TheWonderofYou

    After a short view.. ... they like your money....they like to control your homosexualit, your correct sexual attitude, the are unitarian, no trinity......

    Dear paradisebeauty what kind of religion are you loooking for? What is imortant for u?

  • cofty

    "What was life like on the Ark"?


    Just another group who think their superstitions trump facts.

  • Phizzy

    When I was in my still believing in a god and a true religion phase, not long after leaving the JW nonsense, I researched all sorts of small groups like this one, along with the larger ones of course, they might just have had the "truth".

    I was saddened to find them ALL wanting, mainly in honesty. Although I only had a scant grasp of what the Bible was really about, I did have a real knowledge of what it actually said, and just using the Bible as a yardstick these religions failed to present a true picture.

    They were economical with the truth, using the same techniques as the religion I had left, quoting random verses with no regard to context, and arguing using all the fallacies available to them.

    I soon realised that no "true" religion existed, and though snippets of information those guys presented were interesting, the whole thing had to be taken with a huge sack of salt, not just a pinch.

    They, one and all, presneted what was merely their own opinion as the cast iron truth.

    I had suffered enough of that Bullshit to want no more of it.

  • paradisebeauty

    Listen to their audio books or poscasts.

    Very interesting. All ideas are supported by the Bible. And they do not believe christians should leave their congregations, they believe all christians are saved.

    They define themselves as a para-church organization.

    "Para" meaning:

    Parachurch organizations are Christian faith-based organizations that usually carry out their mission independent of church oversight. The prefix para, is Greek for beside,or alongside.

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