"Bad Congregation! BAD!" - CO Talk

by Mister Biggs 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    Part 1: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=33551&site=3

    Any words that are in italics or CAPS are used to stress that particular word the way the CO stressed it. I have this talk on audio tape. The quotes are exact! Highlighted quotes are the ones that made me want to puke.

    Here's what our "bad" congregation has to work on, according to the CO:

    "Well, somebody says, 'With all these good things going on, what do we need to work on?' Well, we do need to build up our appreciation a little further, of course, for the School and Service meeting, because those meetings are vital in helping us to keep up our good work in the field. So, we'd like to suggest let's build those up to the same place where our other meetings are. And then, the 2nd point...(pause)...let's make sure...(pause)...we maintain...(pause)...the good things that we're able to mention tonight. I know that we're not going to let down on all of this."

    Then, in a real sarcastic, exaggerated, goofy voice, he said: "We're not going to say, 'Oh, boy! We made it!" (End of real sarcastic, exaggerated, goofy voice).


    "Nooo! We don't look at it that way. We're going to look to next month to keep on growing, next month to keep on growing, and keep on making progress. And, uh, you had, uh, just about...in fact you DID have DOUBLE the number of Auxillary Pioneers these six months as what you had the prior time. So, we've got a lot to thank Jehovah for, don't we? And, we enjoy being part of all that work, I am sure! But may we encourage you to keep up that...(pause)...VERY...good work! And JeHOvah's spirit will continue to prosper you!"

    Now he starts talking about preaching and teaching:

    "We ARE glad to be teacher's in view of the times. And our times are very critical. And it's obvious in our territory and the world over we're known for our zealous house-to-house witnessing. And, of course, we recognize all this puts us as part of an international effort. But there's more to teaching, uh, than just simply preaching. The preacher heralds or proclaims a message, declares it, so that others can hear. But a teacher takes it further. A teacher instructs, explains, offers proof, reasons with an individual, strives to reach the heart to motivate. We want to, yes, be preachers of the word. Matthew 24:14 tells us that, doesn't it? But, Matthew 28, verses 19 & 20, adds that FULLER understanding to the work that we do, which includes, of course, teaching."

    He went on to say how Jesus went house-to-house and that he was a teacher. He cited Luke 10:38, 39. He said those verses (especially 39) showed that she listened because Jesus was teaching her. Next, he goes on to Luke 19:5, 6. This is the account where Jesus went to the house of Zacheus (sp?) the Tax Collector. Pay careful attention to how the CO describes the Tax Collector of that time:

    "The tax collector's of the 1st century were a selfish lot. They were interested only in themselves and what they could get and how they could profit off of others. They were inconsiderate, uh, they had a very narrow perspective. All they could see was self and doing what self wanted. Well, as a result, there weren't many friendly toward Zacheus. But, Jesus was in his home and taught him. Jesus must have been effective."

    Why do we know that Jesus was effective? The CO cited that Zacheus stood up and said the he was going to give half his belongings to the poor.

    "What would move a man who was selfish, greedy, materialistic...to turn his opinion around to say, 'Now I'm going to give away half my fortune and I want it to help poor people.'? The teaching of the truth must've touched his heart. He acknowledges that he was a beat, he was a cheat, he was an extortioner. And he declares all that, confesses it before Jesus. And then he says something else. Whatever I have extorted from others I am going to restore to them FOUR fold, he said."

    Now, I am simply going to post "gems" that uttered forth from the CO's mouth in the order that they occurred:

    "When someone's heart is receptive to the truth, their attitudes change. Their disposition is modified. Softened. And they are more sensitive to the needs of others. They caaare about others."

    "Jehovah's modern-day servants have a lonnnng history of teaching, in addition to preaching or heralding."

    "When the Watchtower began to be published in July of 1879, it was heralding the message of the good news far and wide. Oh, it started off relatively small. The first edition was only 5,000 copies, limited at that time to the english language. But it was reaching right-hearted people. But, interestingly, the faithful and discreet slave recognized in a short time that more was needed than simply declaring the truth. People needed to be TAUGHT the truth."

    "Pure worship is the way a person lives. Pure worship is the way a person thinks, how they feel, how they act. All that is an evidence of their devotion to God. Really, we LIVE the truth. And that living of the truth backs-up what we testify to."

    To sum up, his point to us is that we need to make kingdom interests our priority and not get distracted by one or some of the many distractions that Satan uses.

    Here's his conclusion:

    "May we continue to grow and develop as spiritual people so that WE do not drift away. May we avoid the propaganda that is so often presented to us in ever so many ways. May we CLING to what is righteous, not the views of the world that would hinder our spiritual development and interfere with our relationship with God. May WE be amongst those who CONTINUE to be TEACHERS in view of the time, protecting ourSELVES and THOSE who listen to us. May it alllll continue to bring honor to GOD...and my His spirit continue to make it grow as we have these privileges that we so DEEPLY appreciate!"

    In honor of SYN, I will refrain from my own commentary and opinion about these highlights. I will be happy to let all of you take the first shots and then I will add my 2 cents worth.

    Edited for typos!!!

    Edited by - Mister Biggs on 1 August 2002 14:32:33

  • Reborn2002

    May we avoid the propaganda that is so often presented to us in ever so many ways.

    Let's see:

    1. Sunday Public Talk
    2. Watchtower Study
    3. Theocratic Ministry School
    4. Service Meeting
    5. Book Study
    6. Circuit Assembly
    7. District Convention
    8. Watchtower & Awake magazines
    9. other WT publications

    Yes, let us AVOID the propaganda that is so often presented to us in ever so many ways.

    Then I would have walked out.

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    Reborn...EXACTLY what I was thinking. JWs get fed propaganda at every meeting. They just call it "food from Jehovah".

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