Where are the Young Elders?

by James Jack 42 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Phizzy

    I wonder what the Borg will do to get over this problem ?

    It has always been a problem really, an awful lot of guys I knew who were capable of doing the job shied away from it thirty or forty years ago, but it seems more extreme now.

    Maybe the Borg will have some Noo Lite, making a three tier Hierarchy, Sisters used for all menial stuff, Literature and Accounts, then Deacons/Lay preachers (MS), and above them the real old guys like the Presbyter who wrote the letters of John. Not sure this would totally solve the problem, but would possibly make them look more mainstream.

  • Xanthippe
    I was appointed as an Elder when I turned 30, 25 years ago. Which was the norm back then. - James Jack
    Yes my husband was 30 when he was made an elder. It's good to know young guys are wising up now and leaving this religion.
    BTW Is it me ladies, or are some ex JW men inappropriately school boy like when it comes to sex...I guess they are catching up emotionally as well as physically!!!

    It's not just you Diogenesister. They are catching up, like kids in a sweet shop sometimes. By their posts and especially their pictures I often think men on here are about eighteen or perhaps early twenties. Then they let slip they are in their forties or fifties. I like your posts by the way, welcome.

  • dozy

    An elderly relative showed me a picture of his 2013 KM school the other day - I would say the average age was maybe 60. Very few younger guys. I did see one guy in the picture from a neighbouring congregation to my old one that I knew who was a complete idiot - maybe 35 years old. Can't believe he could even be appointed as a MS , let alone an elder. Maybe this is the only solution - to lower the criteria and make it much easier for guys to be appointed.

  • punkofnice

    I reckon that overfed TOMO bloke had this in mind when he gave his bullying rant about those over 20 (or whatever age that fat idiot said), that were not minimen would probably die at armageddon(tm) and shouldn't be allowed to marry......or words to that effect.

    Young elders are either the result of desparation in their area or sons of the ruling family in the congregation.

  • rebelfighter

    The Elder and I never had a single disagreement in five years because he never discussed his religion. See the first part of my name that is who I have always been. My first job out of college was store manager of a store that only men could possibly handle. Since it was home office orders the district manager was not to happy with this arrangement and was determined to make my life miserable but I am pretty tough. I won he ended up in forced retirement. Before leaving the company a few more of these men with this "old" attitude would come tumbling down. If the company wanted to keep it's federal contracts it had to have female managers.

    Your young Elders are wearing SKIRTS!! There was a recent thread by Bonsai (sorry gentlemen) had that call been placed to a female elder, her motherly concerns about someone in need would have kicked in not that male ego attitude. I know some of the elders care but mothers tend to ignore rules when caring for their flock, then they go back and look at the rules. We are going to protect are kids first. Just think how all those child abuse issue would have been handled. Recently there was a tape recording of a young lady telling an elder off for not looking after her son when she had been d/f. One brave lady. As jwstruggle said they had tried to get him deleted as an elder on several occasions. He was down right rude to her throughout the phone call.

    Gentlemen, women are your equal.

    Children need to be raised as independent individuals learning to make their own decisions. My children made their own decisions in middle school with a little oversight on my part. By high they were making their own decisions. Thus by the time they were ready for college mom did not need to hold their hands. Mom was not making decisions for them.

    I guess it depends on the area of the United States that you live in (can't comment on outside of the u.s) because in my area there are many under 40 elders.
  • TheListener
    I went to memorial with wife and I'm certain that none of the elders at the multi-hall memorial was under 40. Almost all of them were guys I remember from when I was still active, a couple were new move ins but still older.
  • punkofnice

    I wonder if the existing older elders don't want others on the body. After all, they can be a bit cliquey in their 'club'. Also, the wishes of the biggest bully on the BOE will always hols sway.

    Big bully: "You will appoint my son whether you like it or not!"

    Elder rebel: "But didn't we have to counsel him on masturbation and swearing only yesterday?"

    Big bully: "If you don't want to be deleted then you'll shut the gehenna up! And that goes for the rest of ya too!"

    BOE: "Yes, oh, glorious one."

  • Splash

    In the last 25 years at my hall we've had ONE ministerial servant appointed as an elder.

    The MS was about 55 when this happened.

    In the same time frame we had three elders die from old age and two others reduce their activity on the platform due to age.

    The average age of our elder body is now in the high 60's, with no elder under 50.

    We had a few elders move in from elsewhere, but that's movement, not increase.

  • aintenoughwiskey

    Definitely an old boys club in my area. The three tracks to MS or elder in order of importance are are. Be related to an elder. Study with an elder. Pioneer.

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