August 2nd

by Xandria 8 Replies latest social family

  • Xandria

    Another Anniversary is going to be marked on that date. Wow cannot believe 13 years have passed since I eloped to Las Vegas .. My goodness it feels just like yesterday. Where did all those years go to ?

    Anyway... thought I would ask the question. What was the wildest Anniversary gift you recieved or gave ?


  • StinkyPantz

    My first anniversary is on August 5th and we eloped to Vegas also!

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Congratulations for today (here it is already the 2nd) Xandria and for the 5th Stinky.

    This month is busy for me also, I have an anniversary, but its not a fun one.

    I hope you both have lots of nice moments reflecting on that special day.


  • SPAZnik

    happy anniversary's all around.

  • Xandria

    Aww ty... and Happy Anniversary to you too Stinky. May you have a nice one. We are planning a trip down memory lane. An I am up late b/c of it.


  • BeautifulGarbage

    I got married 15 years ago(May 17) in Vegas, too. I didn't elope. Actually, I had quite a nice little wedding and reception. Had the white dress and tux. Not tacky at all. Family and friends came along.

    Interesting little factoid. Just about everyone that I know that had a fancy, VERY expensive wedding, is now divorced.

    Happy Anniversary!


  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl

    Well we celebrated our 44th anniversary this year on July 26th!

    Got married by a Justice of the peace..

    Went to East St Louis because we were so young

    Got a ticket for speeding..and then his Son in law married us!..

    The justice of the peace only had one arm and he had to scribble his info with his other hand. Our license is a mess!...His kids were running all over the living room..So very not romantic!

    Hubbys Mom was a JW and she was at the NY assembly in 1958 so we stayed with his Dad and slept in the bedroom next to him! The bed springs squeaked so.........

    Finally after a week we were able to move into our own apartment.

    Now we have our own house!

    Kids are all grown with families of their own.

    I retired 3 years ago and Hubby retired in January!

    Seems like time flies!

    Saga of "Golden Girl"...

    Edited by - Golden Girl on 9 August 2002 3:41:50

  • Xandria

    Wow Golden 44 years! I know it seems like yesterday.


  • Golden Girl
    Golden Girl it seems like a few years ago..weeks ago? months ago?...ages.....

    Golden Girl....

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