What a sad little life........

by LyinEyes 0 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • LyinEyes

    The Little Girl - By John Michael Montgomery .. country artist

    Her parents never took the yong girl to church, never spoke of his name , never read her His word.

    Two non-beievers walking lost in this world, took their baby with-in, what a sad little girl.

    Her daddy drank all day and mommie did drugs, never wanted to play or give kisses and hgs

    SHe'd watch t.v and sit there on the couch whie her mom fell asleep and her daddy went out.

    ANd the drinking and the fighting, just got worse every night.

    Behind their couch she'd be hiding oh what a sad little life.

    Just like it alwasy does the bad just got worse, wtih every slap and every curse word.

    Until her daddy hit a drunk rage on night used a gun on her mom and then took his life.

    And some people from the city, took the girl far away, to a new mom and a new dad, kisses and hugs everyday.

    Her first day of sunday school the teacher walked in, and a small gir stared at a picture of Him.

    She said I know that man up there on that cross,

    I don't know his name, but I know he got off. Cause He was there in my old house, and held me close to his side, as I hid there behind our couch the night that my parents died. the end.

    This made me think of how they are going to disfellowship bro .Bowen. He was trying so hard to help abuse victims. There are many forms of abuse in the WT and many chidren are suffering, and suffering as adults who never got the help they needed.

    The elders are supposed to be right under Jesus authority in the congregation, to help comfort and make it a just place to go. A safe haven, for all the trodden down ones, even the little children. That is what Jesus wanted, but that is not what is being done. Instead the elders will brush it away to safeguard the reputations of the church. Then the child has no one to turn to, the parents do as the elders say, so they are truly alone, that only leads to a life of misery for the child and into adulthood. They are taking the precious child right to be loved, comforted and their dignity away. This is surely not the way Jesus would want his children treated.

    It saddens me to think of all those like Bill, who have tried to be that one person to comfort a hurt soul, will be so easily disfellowshipped , throw out, simply because they are trying to do what Jesus told them to do. Jesus said that the elders would be like a shelter in the rain storm. Now where will these children go?

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