Some perspective on Pope's Toronto visit

by morrisamb 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • morrisamb

    Two very interesting editorials in my London Free Press today. I'll bold what yours truly found interesting...obviously the sex abuse scandal is one story that is not going away

    1.To observers not present at the Toronto gathering, the most significant development during the Pope's visit, arguably, was his admission, during Sunday's mass, of "a deep sense of sadness and shame" over sex abuse scandals that have plagued the church for decades. Rather than expand on that theme, however, the pontiff encouraged his youthful audience to rally around the "vast majority of dedicated and generous priests . . . whose only wish is to serve and do good."

    Yes, they should be supported. And the point that the vast majority of those in church vocations possessing both pure motives and spotless records can hardly be repeated often enough. But in dealing with sex abuse, the church must move beyond contrition.
    The classic definition of penance within the Roman Catholic Church comprises four phases -- or at least four elements. Contrition (a sense of having done wrong) is followed by confession (an unqualified admission of sin). Satisfaction (performance of a physical or spiritual remedy) follows. Only then can absolution (forgiveness) take place. It is a profound and meaningful understanding of the nature of injury and healing.

    The Pope's expressions of sorrow and shame Sunday were contrite. They were, to some extent, even confessional. But the Church must do more to assure its followers the dark era of widespread abuses and administrative complicity in hiding them is over. Inevitably that will mean some form of compensation. Beyond confession lie action and forgiveness. To ensure the enormous spiritual dividend generated by World Youth Day is sustained, the Roman Catholic Church must ensure it completes the penitential process on which it has slowly, but reverently embarked.

    2. A freelance writer (Jim Taylor) wrote his take on the Pope's visit to Toronto. Here are some excerpts:

    I admit I have misgivings about a church in which one of its leaders, one who is eligible to be the next pope, in fact, would tell thougsands of young people - and here I paraphrase - that the church should refuse to fake tolerance for any person or group that feels "all convictions, religions and values are equally valid."

    Or to paraphrase again, "it's our way or the highway."

    Or how about the archbishop who told the world's impressionable kids that abortions were a worse crime than sexual abuse? Given the headlines just a little self-serving perhaps.

  • hawkaw

    At least some of the lamestreet press went to task on his bull.

    If he really wanted to leave a mark he should have said that he takes full responsibility for the cover up.

    And that is really what its about. Not the priests but how the church covered up the abuse and allowed it to keep happening.

    Does this sound familar?

    Thanks for the post Donald.


  • waiting

    I think it's about many things - all entwined.

    1. The Church says it acts for God & Christ on the earth. We were taught that when the priest offers up the Eucharist - he IS Christ. Yeah, I know, but that's what all us millions were taught back in the 50/60's.

    2. Not too many kids will go against Christ - not with Hellfire looming around every corner. Thankfully, this type of thinking is it is very similar's to the WTBTS's followers thinking about the GB, even elders.

    3. The Church in Rome is significantly different than the Church in USA. At least back then, it was. More like "that's your problem." Of course, that's pretty much like WT Brooklyn's feeling towards the local jw's.

    4. If the church leader took FULL responsibility - it'd probably break their financial backs as they've been shielding priests knowingly for decades. Again, the WTBTS is in resemblance.

    5. I believe they'd have to change their SYSTEM, not just take responsibility. And that would mean addressing the problem of priests - and they're already low on applicants.

    lol.......I'm at work & that's all I can think of in a couple of minutes. I'm sure there's more problems in the Catholic Church concerning this - just ask any jw. Of course, now that the jw's are linked with the Catholic Church - betcha there'll be less damning articles in the Watchtower about The Harlot!


    Edited by - waiting on 30 July 2002 16:45:57

  • hawkaw

    Well, it is so good to read a "waiting" post.

    Thanks for your input.


  • waiting

    Well, *hey* (that's howdy in southern usa) Hawk!

    Gosh, we just don't pass paths recently, now do we? I miss you. I think you do more important stuff than me.....but I still miss you.

    My b-i-l is fine from surgery btw. His pain is coming back, and after all that trauma - guess that's just the way it goes. He's more devout than ever, btw. Jerk. His wife hides through Pioneering. Shamefully, they're taking to heart the new teaching about Stern Shunning towards their son & his family of wife and two beautiful boys. Double Jerk.

    Ah well. It's a 100 degrees here - so I'm a bit testy, eh? Hope you & your fine family are doing fine?

    I ALWAYS enjoy your posts - brilliantly helping to lead the way. Btw, I'd put this in an email to you - but "don't got one."


    ps: Sorry, Donald! Didn't mean to highjack your fine thread!

  • joannadandy

    I hate to break it to you all, but the pope has been dead for a few years now, what you people witness to be his holiness is nothing more than some cheap Disney animitronics.

    President George W Bush and Pope John Paul II

    Play nice with the puppet George...

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