Hello again,
"elastic can be "stretched " at will...
It will be sufficient to quote these two:
a) g 22.09.1962 p.27 (as you all know awake ! in the CD -Room starts from 1970)
"… It is the generation of persons who "see all these things" to whom Jesus
refers in verse 34, irrespective of whether such persons are righteous or
wicked. Since Jesus was foretelling conditions prevailing now at the world's
time of the end, the generation now living is the one to which he pointed
forward in his prophecy of the last days."
But 33 years later the application of "generation" has changed:
*** w95 11/1 21 A Time to Keep Awake ***
12, 13. (a) What today is “this generation” that must pass away?
*** w95 11/1 19 A Time to Keep Awake ***
12 Therefore, in the final fulfillment of Jesus’ prophecy today, “this generation” apparently refers to the peoples of earth who see the sign of Christ’s presence but fail to mend their ways.
Agape, J.C.MacHislopp