Start my first college course in two weeks!

by writerpen 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • writerpen

    A few months back, I announced that I had been accepted to a local university. Well I've registered for my first two classes that begin August 6th. The first one is a public speaking course and the second is "The Religious Quest part I." Sorry, I couldn't help myself on the religious class.

    But here is the BOMB:

    Just yesterday, I got a letter stating that I have been awarded a grant that will pay for all but $15.00 of my tuition for the 2002-2003 academic year. Can you believe it!!! Since I've left the borg, I have reaped blessings a hundred fold.

    How many of you have experienced blessings far beyond anything that "seemed" like a blessing while a Witness?

  • Fire Dragon
    Fire Dragon

    Congrats on the grant!!

    I too have been blessed since leaving the borg. I saw my parents just yesterday and they both commented on how healthy I look.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    I envy you! Time at the University was the BEST years of my life. Enjoy can go by soooo fast.

  • Mum

    I second Double Edge's comment. I got a college degree at age 37. I had such a wonderful time, and found lots of other students my age with some solid life experience behind them. I want so badly to get a master's degree, but am chained to the drudgery of desk work for the time being.

    Enjoy your college experience!

  • patio34

    Congrats WriterPen! It inspires me too! May I ask what age you are?


  • zenpunk

    Fantastic! You are on your way! College will change your life, and it's all for the better, believe me. I'm going to miss going after this May. I'll have start thinking about my masters.

  • sunshineToo


    Have fun in your classes. You will remember your college year for the rest of your life. Enjoy!

    By the way, what is your major?

  • writerpen

    May I ask what age you are?

    I'm 30.

    Thanks for all you words of support.

  • OrbitingTheSun

    Congratulations! I am so happy for you

    Pursuing an education is one of the best things you can do for yourself. Granted, homework may not feel like a blessing, but learning to think for yourself certainly is.

    Leaving the organization was the first of many blessings I have received recently. One of the paradoxes of being a Witness is that even when you do receive a blessing, your conscience is such a mess that you cant enjoy it (much less believe that you deserve it). I think my greatest blessing of all has been learning to give myself credit for my accomplishments. Not to say that my progress has not been aided by family and friends, but I am finally able to feel a sense of worth and contentment that I never felt as a Witness.

    So, I think you are right in your observation. Keep up the good work and let us know how school is going!

  • lauralisa


    Congratulations on such an amazing accomplishment. I know SO many people who are still paying off school loans decades after graduation.... ick!

    OrbitingtheSun, I hope you do not mind if I share that you had the exact same experience recently - and to one of the most incredible colleges.....!

    You both ROCK


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