Jeff Probandt The RAY FRANZ of Amway

by JT 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT

    Another thread raised the question of WT and Amway well-- Jeff and Joni Probandt are the Ray Franz of Amway

    As you read this guys story you will think that you are reading about an Ex- JW and yes you will see the same mindset is in amway as well as wt----

    Over the next few days i will post some info that this young guy provided about Amway- He is one of the Highest ranking Amway folks ever to go public in such a detail fashion as he did-

    in fact he was so detailed Amway has successfully sued every web site that posted or Mirrored his very long detailed step by step explanation of how Amway works and where THE REAL MONEY IS

    What i did was download this link in PDF format to save it exactly the way it was on the NET

    In my view this is the best insider look i have ever read



    Reasons To Read This Site

    This site will be beneficial if:

    1) You are not an Amway distributor.

    This site will give you an important insight into the Amway business that the majority of

    Amway distributors are not privy to. In other words, after you read this site, you will probably

    know more about the Amway business than anyone who tries to show you the Amway Sales &

    Marketing Plan. You will learn questions to ask that can assist you in determining if this business

    is right for you. Make no mistake about it--not every Amway distributor is showing the same


    2) You have been an Amway distributor in the past.

    After you read this site, you will probably feel less like a failure and a quitter. Also, if you ever do

    want to get back in

    the business, you will be better able to choose your sponsor. I didnt realize how

    important that was until it was too late. If I had it to do over again, knowing what I do now, I

    would choose differently. I don't have that luxury--but you do.

    3) You are an Amway distributor.

    Well, if you are an Amway distributor there are several reasons you should read this site. Many

    of you are probably concerned about the preponderance of negative information about Amway

    on the Internet. This site can help you become aware of certain issues as well as how to deal with

    them. Furthermore, you should be prepared if any of your downline organization or prospective

    distributors happen to read this site; it would be prudent to know how to respond.

    Another reason is so you can affect positive change. There are many aspects of this business that

    you will not become aware of until reaching the

    Emerald level and beyond. Because the masses of


    distributors are not privy to the information contained on this site, it is unlikely that there

    is ever going to be any significant change. It is my belief that by making you aware of some of these

    hidden dangers you will be able to avoid them altogether. Finally, it is our desire to make the

    Amway business better and more profitable in the long term for all Amway distributors.

    Before learning all of this, I think it best that I establish some credibility with you.

    Click here to


    Who I Am & What This Site Is About.


    WHO HE IS__


    Who I Am & What This Site Is About

    My name is Jeff Probandt. I have been an Amway distributor since August of 1987. In March of

    1991 I achieved a level of success called an

    Emerald Direct
    . I have maintained that status for the

    past six years. I married my wife, Joni, in July of 1994. At that time she was a member of my

    Amway organization. Joni has been a distributor since July of 1990. She worked hard in some

    difficult circumstances and achieved the level of a "4000" in the Amway business. We decided to

    become partners, and we have remained partners in every way ever since. It is not my intent to

    write a story about me (whew!). It is my intent to relay facts, figures, and experiences. It is also my

    strong desire to relay this information in an intelligent and reasonable manner. Man, how I have

    come to respect the rare commodity of reasonability! My undergraduate degree is in Computer

    Science, and I have a minor in Math and Philosophy. Simply stated, I value logic.

    Now, for some of those pictures I promised earlier. Below you will find support of my claim to be

    an Emerald in the Amway business.

    The majority of Amway websites make a lot of claims about Amway, particularly its top

    distributors. However, I doubt you will find many who are active distributors and know those

    whom they talk so much about.

    As far as how I fit in the Amway tree, more commonly referred to as "

    line of sponsorship

    " or



    ," I am in the Gooch line of sponsorship. In fact here is my particular line of Diamonds:

    Yager, Setzer, Gooch, Childers, Dunn, Stewart, Rummel, Maxwell, Collinsworth, Hellinghausen.

    While I cannot speak specifically about other lines of sponsorship within Amway, I do have a

    working knowledge of many of them.


    After graduating from college, I began to pursue building my Amway business full time. I was

    what many Amway distributors call "retired," or "free." Needless to say, I was quite an anomaly

    having graduated and not getting a job in my chosen field of study.

    For those of you familiar with Amway and the Internet, you may recognize my name. Until

    Amway asked me to shut the site down (for reasons explained on the first page,) I used to have

    another web site which was A Response To The Anti-Amway Site. Before it shut down, it was

    averaging about 200 hits per day, and had over 20,000 hits. Unfortunately, I never got to address

    the issue of the


    , as well as other topics, on that site. That is what this site is going to do.

    Hopefully, by now, I have established some credibility with you. When you're ready, continue on to

    The System



    to be cont...


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Yes I was involved with Amway some 20 years ago and they use much the same tactics as the Dubs. They use cult type of mind control tactics. I have read a lot on the internet on Amway. One thing they done't tell you when you get involved is the success rate or those that make money is about .01% of all distributors. You have as much chance at making money with them as you do of winning the lottery.


  • wasasister

    Yup, I can't wait to read this.

    The main reason MLM schemes do not make people rich is the same reason every man, woman, and child on the planet does not now have AIDS. Geometric expansion has to hit a lid eventually.

    Most of the MLM's dislike the use of the term "Pyramid Scheme", because that is most accurate. Only the top point of the pyramid gets rich. If you happen to get in at the bottom, you'll do all the work and get none of the rewards.

    Do the math!!

    Wasa/who never did go for that crap, even as a loyal magazine distributor for the Borg

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I will try and find this article I read but the fellow that wrote it also mentioned that MLM schemes are built that they will eventually collapse because it will not be able to support the amount of people at the bottom.


  • cornish

    Its like hitting the multiply button on a calculator and continuosly multiplying a number by itself,after a small number of hits its billions.

    In order for the people currently at the botton to succed you would need more people joining the chain for Amway products than exist on earth.

  • Larry

    Let's have the rest of it

    Peace - LL

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