by minimus 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Today, some friends told me that something historic happened this past week.While they were watching the Today show(I THINK) they saw a new commercial from the Society. They were amazed that the Society would put on a commercial. They told a group of Witnesses about what they saw at a get together. None of the JW's believed this could have been put on by the Society. They said "it had to be the apostates". So these friends called the Society to confirm their statement. The brother at the desk was very excited that they saw the commercial and asked them what they thought about it. Then after giving some praise, they expressed what all the brothers and sisters were saying about the commercial obviously being from apostates. The WT. rep said to please let the brothers know that this was directly from the Society. Meanwhile, some had been saying that these commercials cost thousands of dollars that could go to more important things, hence, another reason for questioning the Watchtower's involvement.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I think its what you call damage control. I like how they like to say how the worldly media is Satan's organization and now that they need them its a different story. Anyway the borg must be getting real desperate to stoop to such levels as getting in to bed with Satan the Devil.


  • ItsJustlittleoldme

    I saw a commercial from them recently, and told a JW friend of mine about it.. She didn't believe it, until I went to jw-media.org and showed her the commercial I watched..

    Did you see the one about the little boy who couldn't sleep, (drawing what looks like the twin towers)?

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    Did you see the one about the little boy who couldn't sleep

    Yeah he must have been having nightmares about the Pedophile heaven.


  • Mary

    I haven't seen the commercial..........what are they promoting?

  • ItsJustlittleoldme

    The punchline of the commerical is to 'help your children' in these troubled times...

  • ItsJustlittleoldme


    It's the very top video (Love your children)

    They've added another 'public service announcement' too..

    I guess they are going big into the world of Satanic media :-)

  • Gopher

    It seems like the best way to "love your children" is to get them out of the pedophile-infested environment the WTS tolerates.

    Edited by - Gopher on 23 July 2002 9:12:38

  • ItsJustlittleoldme
    Yeah he must have been having nightmares about the Pedophile heaven.

    Oh, now there's a reason to live forever on a paradise earth.. :-)

    Timmy: Mommy, if we live together on a paradise earth, will brother Will be there with us?

    Mommy: Of course Timmy, brother Will is an elder.. He'll be there most assuredly

    Timmy: Then I don't want to go... !!!!

    Mommy: Why Timmy? You don't want to live forever?

    Timmy: It's not all it's hyped up to be Mommy.. Brother Will hurts me all the time when he sticks .... up my .......

    Mommy: Oh, Timmy.. You jokester you... We were told about that.. Those are just 'repressed' memories you're having.. When are you gonna get over them, grow up, and look forward to the day when we watch Jehovah kill all the worldly scum, all 6 Billion of them, so we can live in paradise. Oh, and what ever you do, Timmy, DON'T mention your repressed memories to anyone else, especially the police.. People will think you are crazy, and you'll be infested with Demons for just talking to Satan's police force!!! No, Timmy. Trust that Brother Will, our favorite elder, explained this to you once before; You are having repressed memories because Demon's are trying to take you away from Jehovah's organization.. In these last days, Satan even get's into your head and puts thoughts in there that don't exist!! Brother Will would never do that to you!!! Now, let's get ready to goto the meeting.. Brother Will said he was looking forward to seeing you again..!!! Don't you feel such love that one of Jehovah's appointed is taking such an interest in you?

    -- Ugh, I was getting sick making this stuff up, as I can see how they could actually 'feed' these lines to the kids.. ---


  • TheStar

    Wonder how we could find out the channels it will air on and the time it will air?

    I'd just love to sit in front of the TV with my husband and see it come on. Then I'd put on my best acting and I'd have a very shocked look on my face and mention something along the lines of my being shocked that the society would make a TV commercial since they consider the media a tool of Satan's. I'd have a great puzzled look on my face and ask "Why in the world would they do that?"

    hehehehe.... So, anyone know how we could go about getting the times and dates and channels it will air?

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