Poem and a song....

by pomegranate 2 Replies latest social entertainment

  • pomegranate

    If ya into that kinda of intellectual stuff, you might enjoy this...

    The Draw

    How can we see the truth before our eyes?

    Its only humanistic tears we cry

    Why might we try?

    We distance first then lie

    Cover up the fear inside

    Its only humanistic tears we cry

    How can we see

    The truth before our eyes?

    Egocentric mass of years

    Pounded down with past atrocities

    Lets see who calls on The Draw

    Hold your hand

    But not too far

    Not too far beyond your reality

    Lets see who calls on The Draw

    Deep seas of life

    I find myself behind

    A blinded soul who sees

    Another world of sickened pain brutality

    Peace is a crime

    A line thats worn too thin

    Fathom up be healed inside

    Its only all a matter held in secrecy

    Lets see who calls on The Draw

    Hold your hand

    But not too far

    Not too far beyond your reality

    This put to music here: http://www.artistlaunch.com/artist.asp?artistid=3390

  • Mimilly

    I really like this Pom..... are they your words?

  • pomegranate

    Hi Mim...

    I'm glad you liked it...and yes, they are mine.

    This is part of a music project I have completed with two doctors from Germany. We have completed a CD's worth of material and are planning on releasing it in Fall/Early Winter. I figured folks might like to read and hear what I do.

    Well, at least you did!!

    Here's the artwork for the cover since you were so nice to respond:

    Thanks again for the reply...it's nice to know ones work is not in vain, ya know?

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