Do or did the JW's believe dinosaurs were vegetarians?

by Crazyguy 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Crazyguy
    I thought at one time or maybe they still do believe that the dinosaurs were vegetarians?
  • Vidiot

    At one time, yes, officially. More recently, semi-ficially.


    Honestly, in this day and age, I doubt there's a rank-and-file JW on the planet who'd actually admit to believing it...

    ...there's looking like a sincere (if misguided) Biblical literalist, and then there's looking like a total f**king retard.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    *** g90 2/8 p. 11 What Happened to the Dinosaurs? ***

    "The Genesis Account and Dinosaurs

    While the radioactive dating method is innovative, it is still based on speculation and assumption. In contrast, the Bible account in the first chapter of Genesis simply states the general order of creation. It allows for possibly thousands of millions of years for the formation of the earth and many millenniums in six creative eras, or “days,” to prepare the earth for human habitation.

    Some dinosaurs (and pterosaurs) may indeed have been created in the fifth era listed in Genesis, when the Bible says that God made “flying creatures” and “great sea monsters.” Perhaps other types of dinosaurs were created in the sixth epoch. The vast array of dinosaurs with their huge appetites would have been appropriate considering the abundant vegetation that evidently existed in their time.—Genesis 1:20-24.

    When the dinosaurs had fulfilled their purpose, God ended their life. But the Bible is silent on how he did that or when. We can be sure that dinosaurs were created by Jehovah for a purpose, even if we do not fully understand that purpose at this time. They were no mistake, no product of evolution. That they suddenly appear in the fossil record unconnected to any fossil ancestors, and also disappear without leaving connecting fossil links, is evidence against the view that such animals gradually evolved over millions of years of time. Thus, the fossil record does not support the evolution theory. Instead, it harmonizes with the Bible’s view of creative acts of God."

    I cannot remember anything of significance in recent articles.


  • Vidiot
    That third paragraph gave me a headache.
  • LisaRose
    Actually, some dinosaurs were herbivores.
  • Heaven

    LisaRose beat me to it. It's actually that they believed ALL dinosaurs were vegetarians.

    The thing that amazes me are the Creationists who think people lived at the same time as the dinosaurs. Apparently these people have never heard of the fossil record.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    Creationists definitely believe that the dinosaurs were vegetarian even to the point where Tyrannosaurus Rex supposedly had sharp teeth to enable it to eat palm trees. When this vegetarianism ended is up to the creationist. It was either after Adam and Eve sinned bringing evil into all of creation or after the flood - assuming they survived the flood.

    Also, their official stand on the creative days was that they were exactly 7,000 years long. Now they're simply wishy washy on the details.

  • sir82
    It's another one of those ideas that is so, so utterly embarrassing, but so problematic if retracted, that they have no choice but to simply stop commenting on it any more.
  • Vidiot

    @ sir82...

    Yup; just like - as Village idiot said - the 7000-year "Creative Days".

  • Billyblobber

    It's one of those things they conveniently ignore talking about, which they have to, because it's completely laughable to think that, scientifically, which completely kills the whole "the world is perfect, lamb will lie with the lion, original sin messed it up, spiders will apparently use webs to catch stray leaves" narrative they have going on.

    It's funny trapping witnesses with that, who still believe it.

    Hey, (insert animal here with something obviously and undeniably made for killing) existed back with the dinosaurs right? How was it a vegetarian?

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