The incredibly white NAACP leader

by Simon 81 Replies latest social current

  • Simon

    This is a bizarre story.

    There is a woman who is the local leader of the NAACP who is obviously trying to mislead people into believing she is black who is actually white. Very white.

    She obviously gets a tan regularly but looks more orange. Yes, orange really is the new black!

    Apparently she's estranged her birth parents (because they are white) and even given talks about dealing with black hair (her's has been permed to look black) and attended a predominantly black university where she checked the boxes as being ethnically black, white and native american (WTF?).

    Now there would apparently be nothing wrong with her being an NAACP leader if she was white (they claim) but ... the CNN panel right after wanting to talk all about her "white privilege" were then annoyed that she maybe did it all to take positions that should have been reserved for a black person. I would imagine that should be labelled "black privilege" but they didn't make that connection.

    I can't decide if she's been doing this because she sees it as a cynical way to manipulate people and get ahead or if she's genuinely nuts. She obviously puts a lot of effort into the deception with how she gets her hair done and the way she dresses and puts on makeup going off some photos and has published pictures of herself with an elderly black man and a caption talking about her father - very misleading. Either way, it seems wrong that she should be in any position where she is being outright dishonest about who she is.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Yes, I've been reading this in multiple online newspapers. I have to admit, it has been amusing watching The Guardian tie itself up in knots over this - some commentators on CiF actually believe that this woman is a black woman born in a white body (transracial?!), whilst others are rightly outraged at her dishonesty (transracephobic?!).

    Now that I've stopped laughing, I believe that she is mentally ill and needs help. If she admits to the lie that she's lived then I think the NAACP should keep her; otherwise they should sack her.

    I suppose her racial identity was simply a pigment of her imagination ...

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury
    I think she has some body dysmorphia issues and wishes to be black and is in total denial about it.
  • Simon

    Maybe she's just the Anti-Jackson and end-times are now upon us, LOL

    I don't see how they can keep her. Either she's dishonest or she's completely nuts. Are either of those Ok?

    (not that being nuts isn't Ok, but it will detract from the position and she can't exactly give talks on 'being black' anymore can she)

  • DJS

    A sad story. I don't know the complete issues with her parents, but she states that she is alienated from them. I don't know why the parents were in front of a camera; perhaps they were drawn into it. If they wanted to be interviewed, that reeks of just trying to hurt their alienated daughter.

    The only real problem I see for her is if she deliberately deceived the NAACP. One of their leaders stated yesterday that being black wasn't a requirement for her position, which was the correct thing to say and likely the legal thing to say.

    But if she has lied on documents she could suffer consequences.

    Sad, really.

  • Magnum

    I've known a few whites who deliberately avoided other whites and hung around exclusively with and identified with blacks. It was something psychological which I can't exactly explain. It was sort of like they felt they didn't really fit in with whites and could get attention by hanging around and indentifying with blacks.

    I grew up in an area where most of the guys my age were black. They and the one white guy (besides me) were my best friends. So I hung around with blacks, too, but it wasn't because they were black. They were my neighbors and friends.

    There are some whites who are black wannabes and some blacks who are white wannabes. Again, there is some underlying psychological thing going on, I think (Where's steve2 when you need him?).

    So, I don't think this lady was doing what she did just for the job or the money or whatever. I think she truly is a black wannabe. Some people relish being sort of like underdogs who have battles to fight. It gives them something to live for that, I think, they feel they wouldn't otherwise have.

  • brandnew
    Ummmm for some reason im compelled to think of ....SIDESHOW BOB....from the simpsons....
  • cappytan

    Instead of assuming that she did this for purely selfish reasons, say she truly feels that she's black and wants to be black.

    Obviously, genetically she is not black.

    How is this any different than the Caitlyn Jenner situation? I accept Caitlyn as a woman because that's who she wants to be. Obviously, genetically Caitlyn has the chromosomes of a male. But if Caitlyn wants to be a woman, I'm going to support her and applaud her.

    Again, how is this different? I can condemn the toxic deceptive behavior (that example of the photo Simon gave in the OP), but I don't think I can laud Caitlyn in one sentence for being who she is and then condemn this woman for being who she is if that's all she was trying to be.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Either she's dishonest or she's completely nuts. Are either of those Ok? - I agree. Apparently she's a professor at some uni. She must leave her position. But she seems to care about African-American people. If she admits to her chronic lie and apologises, could the NAACP keep her in some (unpaid) role?

    Obviously, the calls for her to quit are entirely legitimate.

  • LoveUniHateExams
    for some reason im compelled to think of ....SIDESHOW BOB....from the simpsons - I'm compelled to think of The Jerk, starring Steve Martin.

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