Email Reporter: Another Convention Fluff Article

by ErieGuy 4 Replies latest social current

  • ErieGuy

    Email this reporter with BBC Links:______________

  • Gopher


    All I can say is WOW, that was sickeningly sweet. There's so much in there that's so wrong, on many levels.

    When it comes to family life, moral living and business practices, they say they preach by example, with whole families showing up at doors dressed in their Sunday best.
    Just one question: can you spot the pedophiles among them? They're out there, witnessing away! Preaching by word of course, not by example.

    And there's this little gem:

    The more a person learns about the Bible, the clearer the picture becomes, like a jigsaw puzzle that gets clearer the more pieces you put in place.
    This JW spokesman was fed that line from the WT Society, or he read ahead in the new book "Draw Close to Jehovah" (which someone obtained for me). He is quoting almost verbatim from page 186, in the chapter "Wisdom from the Word of God".

    Yeah the Bible really gets clearer! That's why there's so little controversy over its real meanings! Here's another quote from page 186 of that book you'll enjoy:

    The Bible's message pierces deep, revealing our true thinking and motives. Those who read it with a critical heart are often stumbled by accounts that do not contain enough information to satisfy them. Such ones may even question whether Jehovah really is wise, loving and just....Hence we are not disturbed if a particular account raises questions to which we cannot find immediate answers."
    This is mind control at its finest! Why use your brain when reading the Bible? Just trust the WT Society's interpretation, rather than using your God-given reasoning. Never mind "immediate" answers, what if you've been trying to make sense of it for years, and it still cannot logically make sense? What then? Ahhh.. "don't be disturbed" -- the WT Society tells its readers how not to feel or think.

    And also later on the same page, there's this gem.

    Clever humans can write books that only "wise and intellectual ones" can grasp. But to author a book that can be understood only by the right heart motivation --- that takes the wisdom of God!! (Matthew 11:25,26)
    So here they put down much of the great literature that has been written, again telling you how to think about those, and then saying that because the Bible is confusing, it MUST come from the mind of God!

    I guess.

  • expatbrit

    These kind of reports are usually just reprints of media releases by the Watchtower to the local media in cities about to hold conventions. Happens every year. Sometimes they're useful in that they give baptism figures and the attendance.

    I think most members of the general public who see them just breathe a sigh of relief and say "aaaah a quiet Saturday morning!"


  • avengers

    I got a good laugh out of this one. Thanks Erie.

    Fridays:Morning session begins 9:30 a.m.; afternoon, 2 p.m. (Morning keynote address focuses on Christ's zeal for the ministry; afternoon three-part symposium: "Micah's Prophecy Strengthens Us to Walk in Jehovah's Name," "Maintain Chastity by Safeguarding Your Heart" and "Guard Against Deception.")

  • Cassiline
    There will be demonstrations of successful door-to-door practices.

    I have no clue as to why this struck me as funny. Too early I guess, not enough caffeine or perhaps too much?

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