What one church in my area is doing

by Sadie5 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sadie5

    There's been quite a few lay-offs and job losses in our area.(Is there anywhere that hasn't?). One of the churches in our area is providing food to people at a very reduced price. It is name brand food, meats, fruits and veggies. You don't have to fill out forms to qualify, just order the food, pay for it and you go to the church about 10 days later to pick it up.

    When you pick up the food, the church members hand you an invitation to their church and that is it. They let you know that they have clothing if there is a need also. They call you and let you know when they are ordering again and that's about it. No pushing their beliefs on you. I did find the whole group thing a little strange feeling to me. Like they were calling each other brother and sister. I don't think I could ever get back into a group setting like that again.

    What I found amusing was that if I was still a JW, I wouldn't have participated in this program. Would have been demon food if the church was involved. My family would have been eating a lot of beans and corn bread, or gone hungry. JW's would never do a program like this. My oldest son remarked that if the WT Society did do something like that, they would mark up the prices of the food so that they made a profit, and would use the people's information to push magazines on them.

    My son also told me that he visited a JW family that still talks to him. He recognized that they had the same food that we had. they said they got the food at a reduced price too. I don't know if a non-JW family member got it for them or what. I was glad they were able to take advantage of it too. Hope they don't get DF for trying to feed their family.

    I'm thankful that this church sees a need and tries to help. Magazines and books aren't going to feed people when they are hungry. JW's truly look silly, when they think they are providing some great service to people in need by handing them a WT and AWAKE. Even Jesus fed the hungry real food.


  • Been there
    Been there

    The church I have been going to for a couple years now is really into out reach programs.

    They have monthly hot meal give aways in town for the homeless, free christmas wrapping at stores (I've helped do that a couple years). At the end of every month when food and money is running out they pack up bags and bags of food for the free food give away to low income families. Groups just get dropped off in apt. complexes and we knock on doors to see if they or someone they know is in need of food or a prayer or anything else we can help them with. Donations are not accepted and they are told this is just a small way of letting them know GOD loves them. No sermons, just unconditional love. I do donate at church because the majority of the money goes to these type of programs. We take parties to low income housing kids. No preaching. They are such a hands on church and teach that all people have some sort of talent, use what you like and are good at. NO COOKIE CUTTER people here. It is so diverse. It caters mostly to people that have no church to call home and are seeking to find a relationship with God. The part I like is all age groups of kids have their own classes. Cuddlers are babies, toddlers (at christmas the kids all wore birthday hats and had cup cakes because they had a birthday party for the baby Jesus). The pre teens once came to church with the weirdest out fits they could make up (it was to let them see what it was like for the early christians to be thought of as weird or outcasts). Being a JW kid, I didn't need that lesson. I even like the sermons, the pastor is such a hoot. Very human. They want you to question and think. There are no weak people, just many people in differant stages of spiritual development. And when they say a prayer they bless the neighboring churches. I found my home if I chose to go to church, and I don't feel guilty if I don't go.

    Wow, sorry didn't mean to ramble.

    KY Been

  • Francois

    Really makes you wonder who your real "brother" is, doesn't it?

  • HomebutHiding

    Jim...Recently, I had the opportunity to go INSIDE a SA thrift store. Of course, as JW, I never would have considered such a move, but upon entering, I was faced with this huge placard/sign which stated: "4 sweaters for $1.00." Now, I can assure you, all the promises of life on a paradise Earth never thrilled me as much as those words did. I found (and bought)12 sweaters. I so love freedom. HbH

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