Hope they have white out for tattoo's

by Xandria 4 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Xandria
  • SYN

    As we were always told by the Elders, a marriage based on slicing your partner's skin open will never last

  • zenpunk

    Those guys were such freaks anyway.

  • JanH

    One reason serious tattoo artists here refuse to do names.

    She is a class A hottie though! And now available...

    - Jan

  • Valis

    Sorry if this offends, eheheh maybe, but tattooing people's names on your body is trashy, except your kids IHMO..I went for symbols rather than names when I decided to always have a reminder. I have my two koi swimming around on the left arm, then a cancer for the mother of kids,with an airies w/flames for the first born and a water bearer (aquarius) for the younger, spawning from the claws of the mom, on the right arm....


    District Overbeer

    Edited by - Valis on 18 July 2002 16:31:36

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