phonecall from mormon re PANORAMA

by bay64me 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • bay64me

    a call from a mormon friend expressing her disgust at last nights Panorama programme. While I share her disgust at the despicable treatment these abuse victims endured, I also felt a burning rage at her, (my friend) for her apparent smugness in her attitude that such a thing would <STRONG>never</STRONG> happen within the confines of her religion.</P>
    <P>My rage came as a bit of a surprise to me, as I thought I'd never feel that way about JWs exposure. I must admit that I even felt the old indoctrinated defences rise as I watched and listened to the show. I have never seen nor heard <STRONG>anything</STRONG> as shocking as that before in my life!</P>
    <P>Of course the problem of paedophilia needs to be exposed, wherever it takes place, whether it be in the Catholic church, Boy scouts, Kingdom halls or Mormon churches and the 'shock-factor' of such reporting will certainly make people take notice. I only hope now that this one is out of the bag, that something will actually be done about it!</P>
    <P> ;</P>

  • Matty

    The way that Mormon morons criticise Jehovah's Witnesses is the ultimate in "pot calling the kettle black"!

    I bet they are loving all this controversy, just like the JWs loved the Catholics being slammed, well they better enjoy it while they can thats all I can say!

  • LittleToe

    I remember having such a smug attitude, when I heard of an abuse case, in a local church. However, the church didn't cover it up or shield the guy, so I had little ammunition in the "ministry". You can bet that I used it for what I could, at the time, though.

    It's part of the "it doesn't happen here" or "it can't happen to me" syndrome.

  • Xandria

    Um Um.. the Mormons have had their share of scandals.. and they seem to cover them up. But I am sure if you dug the poo would fly. My Cousin is a Mormon.. don't ask.. but there are some allegations of misconduct in the past.

    An the polgamy .. well there are sects that still are out there. But they are not as apparent. One family has been taken to court and one man is in jail for sexual abuse of a minor ( even though he was her husband).


  • Matt_exmo

    Mr Green (a CPA, I think?) was done by the law because his wife was 13 or 14 or so. Some of these polygamists marry children of 11.

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