Ann Lander's daughter responds to my tribute

by morrisamb 3 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • morrisamb

    donald, my thanks for your amazing letter. I am assuming you know she was my mother.
    the benefits of her column will never be known, but there are countless people, like you, who had a light bulb turned on by her work. she really was a great girl.
    Margo Howard (Dear Prudence)

    Dear Prudence

    Recently I was asked, what's the best advice Ann Landers ever gave me. Here's my response.

    Eppie Lederer was much more than a diminutive lady who dictated advice to the lovelorn from her penthouse suite. Just one of her columns changed my life

    In 1978, my grade eleven teacher told our class we should read the newspaper daily. Immediately I ordered a newspaper subscription and read Landers column religiously. One day, a letter appeared from a woman who had been molested as a child. Miss Landers responded that incest is a crime and that her abuser should be reported to the police.

    Immediately, I was propelled outside the inner sphere of my small universe. My computer registered this information in a big way and I couldnt handle the implications. Sexual abuse was a crimesuch a foreign concept to me. More than thirty people knew of my own experience of abuse. Did they know it was a crime? If so, why didnt they tell me?

    One fifty-worded answer provided the spark that ignited a young mans quest for justice. And in my memoir, Father's Touch, I describe the important role that message played in the direction my life would take.

    Ann Landers taught education and awareness empowers victims and weakens predators. My story proves she was right.

    Donald D'Haene

    1007-560 Proudfoot Lane,

    London, Ontario, Canadad

    N6H 5C9 author web site

    Edited by - morrisamb on 14 July 2002 22:1:22

  • simplesally

    Wow, I just read the reviews of your book. My heart aches for you, if this is Donald.

    My God, how does one move on? What happened to your relationship with your mother since she continued to live with him after she knew of the abuse?

  • morrisamb

    Thank you and this IS Donald. Well, the answer to your question about my mother would require a couple of chapters alone. It's such a complex situation, but I do delve into that within my memoir.

    We're very close now. My mother was one of the first people to read my completed book (months before my partner, even). After she finished it, she said, "You know me better than I know myself. It's the true story."

    If you do have a chance to read my book, please let me know what you think of it.

  • Xandria

    Thank you so much for that book... it has helped many. Too many live in silent pain. To give strength to others is the best thing one can do.. so they can get out of the dark place that has them bound.


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