I have not posted a true url click because it won't stop bleeding at end of line. (Soooo irritating to try to read posts that go off the page.)
The following is address is within the webpage - when finished reading, click at bottom back to menu if you wish.
go to: www.davidicke.net/mindcontrol/subliminal/jw/rmoore2.html
This is a true account of a double suicide or murder - the case is unsolved. The family is/was Jehovah's Witnesses, the account written by Roberta Moore, the mother. The ramifications as to being a witness, a woman, dealing with the local police and the media are familiar. However, in the depth she has had to explore - a rare account of death, pain and survival.
It happened about 6 years ago and is now open to reinvestigation. Please read. I would welcome any comments.
By co-incidence, we e-mail jokes back and forth on another forum, idle conversation. Then she told me who she was and clicked me over there. After reading, I told her that in my years of memory, I've met only one other person with the grossness of death and pain in their background to mirror mine who was willing/capable to talk about it. As of yet, around here, I wear the crown of gross background. And I must admit - she, in a terrible way, won the crown. I didn't congratulate her, however.
Please read? Who is David Icke, btw?