Man with unusual anti-body has donated blood every week for 60 years, saving an estimated 2 million babies.

by 1tMakesNoSence 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 1tMakesNoSence

    Well, I guess some one has to do some thing since Jehovah hates babies..

  • Heaven

    Rhesus Disease, among many others, is evidence that an Intelligent Creator/Designer is a crock.

    Millions of people in Australia call James Harrison a hero. Jehovah's Witnesses think he makes Jehovah sad.

    How can anyone accept a symbol of life being more important than life itself? Oh right, that's Jehovah's Witnesses.

    What an awesome man James Harrison is. Thank Goodness James is NOT a JW!

  • SafeAtHome
    Wow, what a story. Would a JW woman be allowed to take the injection I wonder. I thought about that after I had my baby when I found out I had the RH factor because the injection for that is made from blood. Thankfully by that time I was out of the cult!
  • NewYork44M
    This man may have saved all those babies, but Jehober will get the last laugh. He will destroy every last one of the at Armageddon.

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