Do-It-Yourself Do-Not-Call Chaos

by metatron 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Put an ad in the local paper - "Do You Want JW's
    To Stop Coming To Your Door?"

    Tell them to send a letter with an order to stop such
    visits permanently, signed and dated. Provide an
    address of your convenience and state that "all such
    legal orders to stop calling will be personally
    delivered to the local elders. When this is done,
    another advertisement will appear advising you that
    from now on, you may call the police and have them fined
    for disturbing your privacy"

    Use one of those cheap "pennysaver" classifieds they give
    away free at the supermarket. Make sure your ad is
    mailed to all born again churches in the area.

    Wanna create chaos?


  • minimus

    How do think these schemes up?

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    Stop Jehovah's Witnesses calling at your door!

    This religious cult destroys families and cost lives.
    Protect your loved ones from the Watchtower Society now!

    Most Jehovah's
    Witnesses are fine
    people - we know
    some who are not!

    Print and post to your local Kingdom Hall - that's it!

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    *** some people just can't take a hint
  • mustang

    That's RETURN VISIT's, not Motor Homes!!!

    It can get worse in California. Check out this link:

    Look at California Law, but compare it to your states Law.

    1) If someone ANNOYS you TWICE, it is started. It is best to let it go on a little longer and demonstrate the "pattern" and "course of conduct". (Yep, "course of conduct", something we hear in Dub lectures is IN THE LAW.)

    2) You have to achieve a "credible threat". In my instance, the person has been investigated for Spousal Abuse. Thats good enough. There are numerous other possibilities...

    OK, this one is serious.

    1st offense- 1 yr. in County, unless a Restraining Order was violated, then 2-4 in State

    2nd offense- 2-4 yrs. in State "pen"

    3rd offense- well, California has the Three-Strikes Law... that is LIFE!!!

    So, RVs could get REAL SERIOUS in California.


    Edited by - mustang on 7 July 2002 14:58:53

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