Mothman Prophesies

by gsx1138 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • gsx1138

    Yeah, I know it's a bit old but I just saw the movie tonight. I had no idea what the movie was about but I heard it was a true story. Now I wonder how much was fact and how much was artistic liscense. The story itself is pretty freaky but I've never even heard of the legends of these Mothmen/Mothman and the movie didn't seem to explain the idea behind it very well. So if anyone has a better explanation as to what the hell was going on or they think the whole thing is pure crap let me know.

  • mike047

    I thought it was a good movie. As far as being factually true???????

    I can't discount the possibility of it actually happening.


  • Europe
    The story itself is pretty freaky but I've never even heard of the legends of these Mothmen/Mothman

    Neither did I! Dont think that the story is factually true! Too farfetched to my humble opinion!!

  • dubla

    i too saw the movie for the first time not to long ago, 
    and enjoyed it thoroughly. afterward, like you, i wondered about 
    the true story behind the events, and did a quick search on the net. 
    heres a few links: 
    the last link especially gives a bit of a look into keels 
    (the author of the book) personal experience in point pleasant, 
    and i got the idea that the movie was basically loosely based 
    on his experiences. obviously there was some hollywood embellishing 
    added, but the eye witness accounts sound real enough. 
    interesting story.

    Edited by - dubla on 8 July 2002 15:6:46

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