I'm beating s dead horse, but I must. Feeding the animals on the Ark

by James Mixon 9 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    The kids were on vacation so I had the privilege of feeding the grandson's zoo.

    My instruction.

    Grandpa.. cage one ,two and three...baby tarantulas. They must be fed three times a week.

    Five fruit flies in cage two and three and 10 fruit flies in cage three. (Me) son I can't see

    those fruit flies and you expect me to count them. Ok next.

    Cage 4 and 5...crickets, 5 in cage 4 and tree in cage 5. (me) what am I feeding, I don't see anything.

    (Grandson) See there, they look like a branch, camouflage

    Ok let move on. Cage 6-8 lizards. 6 and 7 ,10 crickets each and 8 he is a vegetarian, feed it

    lettuce chopped fine. (me) are you serious. Then he tell me cage 8 lizards needs some type of cream

    rubbed on his nose. The last cage , the snake. I refuse to feed him a live rat. No need he had a running nose.

    Outside cockroaches, lettuce. Feeding the cats was easy.

  • millie210
    You my friend, are a good grandpa!
  • Village Idiot
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    The unfortunate part about this, my own grandkids(by blood) will never know this.

    They are JW's and I don't know them..

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon
    Anyone that works in a zoo or a pet store can not believe in the Ark story. LOL
  • James Mixon
    James Mixon
    Village Idiot. Funny funny, funny.
  • scoobydont

    I shouldn't be watching videos like these ones here, but he he he he he !!!!!

    Thanks the OP and V.I

  • Heaven

    JM, you bring up another very valid point about the Biblical flood/Noah's Ark story and the issue of feeding all the animals on that boat for a year.

    LOL! Thanks VI. I will be sending those videos to one of my friends. We have fun regularly dissing the Bible.

  • Vidiot
    Aronofsky's movie explained it by Noah and his family inducing hibernation with drugs of some kind.
  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    If you had fed that horse a bit sooner it might not be dead now.

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