Den of Iniquity

by CC Ryder 6 Replies latest jw experiences

  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    Back in the early 90's I went thru a divorce due to adultery on the part of my wife...She got involved with a MS from a neighboring cong....who...he and his wife were our best friends...I lasted a year up north where it took place and left for the South....Our case was one of 9 cases in that one year period....not to mention the birth of a child to the WT conductors daughter...out of wedlock....he remained the WT Cond. by the way....Is this a special experience I had or have some of you ran accross such a "rash" of similar experiences???....Call me old fashioned....but...I believe in commitment to your mate...if it ends...let me know it's over before the nasty deed is done...My ex wanted out of our marraige....and because of the rule in the Borg...she devised a way to do it and give me the freedom to remarry...Some of the other 9 cases involved an Elder and a pioneer wife of a ex and the MS's ex were both pioneers....and the others were MS's and sisters with a lot of years in the borg...I am now blessed with a great wife and companion (Tinkerbell4125 as you all know her)!!!!

    CC Ryder

  • Simon

    Yes, this 'clean congregation' image they portray is a fallacy. In our congregation an elder had an affair with another mans wife and there was lots of other 'goings on'.

  • Mac

    Oh, if those Halls could talk!

  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    Even down here in the reflection of the "golden buckle of the bible belt" ...(to quote Don Imus)..the same disregard for marriage is very prevelent among the shining JW clan...they need to use their Family Book for firewood I guess...I've seen more respect for marriage among the Baptist, Methodist, Church of Christ....ect....

  • Carmel


    Remember when the book and movie "Peyton Place" came out? Okay, so I'm dated! Anyway, I recall thinking how much it reminded me of the goings on in three congregations on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington state that my family frequented. Your post reminded me of the interesting intrigues amongst various cong members with each others wives and girlfriends..


  • bad_associashun

    yes, things like this definitely went on in every kh i've attended- at first, i was shocked, but after yrs of watching the other jws turn & look away, i realized it was a normal occurence, it just went unnoticed

  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    Hi Carmel...Yes I remember Payton Place...I'm dating myself hit the nail on the head...that's exactly what it is....the movie showed how all in the community publicly abhored permiscuous living and as it went on it showed that everyone was guilty of it behind the public eye...sounds familiar Huh....LOL...thanks for your comment.....CC

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