WT Pledge of Allegiance

by DanTheMan 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • DanTheMan

    Ray Franz in Crisis of Conscience writes about how loyalty oaths were briefly considered by the GB and their sycophantic circle of assistants. With the Pledge of Allegiance featuring prominently in the news, I have come up with a Pledge of Allegiance for Watchtowerists:

    I pledge allegiance to the Watchtower

    Bible and Tract Society of New York

    And to the Theocracy, over which it rules,

    One nation, under guilt


    With fear and repression for all

    "Preach the gospel at all times. Use words if necessary" - St. Francis of Assisi

  • Amazing

    Hi Danther: Yep, works for me. ... I bet we culd have all sorts of fun with this ... but I think you hit the nail on the head ... since the JWs like to think of themselves as a Holy Nation, as under a superior government, and have at times made such comparisons with their laws, unique Theocratic language, etc ... then all they need is a flag ... and then they can open each meeting with song, prayer, and the Theocrative Flag Salute.

  • crownboy

    If I'm not mistaken, in CoC Ray Franz said that one of the Bethel elders recommended to GB member Shroeder that "loyalty oaths" be considered during the whole "Franz incident", but that the recommendation was quickly shot down by Shroeder, and Shroeder said the GB would not consider it. However, given the loyalty a JW must show to the Org., they might as well take an oath.

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