Puzzling new book

by Atreyu 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Atreyu

    At this summers district assembly, a new book was released. Worship the Only True God. Two chapters puzzles me:

    1) Chapter 13, A Great Crowd in front of Jehovahs Throne

    The chapter plainly states that the Great Crowd is not in heaven, since this class is not the same as the 144,000. No arguing. Nothing about the temple sanctuary or its courtyards. Only a brief reference to their rendering sacred service day and night (In the Biblical context, as I see it, sacred service can only be rendered by priests, inside the priestly courtyard or inside the temple sanctuary.)

    Why is nothing more said? Is this a way of disconnecting old teachings and preparing for new light in the future?

    2) Chapter 14, How is Jehovah directing his Organization?

    The chapter briefly describes three dogmatic concepts:

    a. The history of the 144,000 and its remnant of today

    b. The faithful and discreet slave and its activities of 1914/1919

    c. The Governing Body and todays top-down organization

    What puzzles me is that NOTHING is said about any relationship between any of these concepts. They DONT state that the remnant is equal to the slave class. They DONT say that the GB is representing neither the remnants nor the slave class. Only that the members of GB are spirit anointed brothers.

    Again, why is nothing more said? Again, is this a way of disconnecting something and let old teachings fade away?

    To me, its a parody when the introduction to the book states its purpose: The Bible encourages everyone that loves God, to grasp height and depth of his precious Truths. (Eph 3:18)

  • hillary_step

    Hello Atreyu,

    My guess, judging from some recent dealings with some in Writing is that the people putting these books together no longer believe many of this things they write and are merely filling space between the expected yearly bindings that keep the presses busy and the troops thinking 'progress'.

    Feed a person well, he then gets strong and starts to live his own life, feed him nothing he dies, feed him just enough to keep him alive and he is controllable.

    The only person that I have met in recent times who seems to clearly understand what the WTS teaches these days is You Know, and he does not believe much of what they have to say himself.....

    Best regards - HS

  • dungbeetle

    who are you kidding? You Know doesn't believe half of what You Know says, I don't think!!!

  • gumby

    For any lurking dubbers

    The chapter briefly describes three dogmatic concepts:

    a. The history of the 144,000 and its remnant of today

    The history of the 144,000

    OK. Jehovah has always had a remnant on earth since 33ce. Pentecost, each succesive class feeding the next correct?

    Question: Who fed C.T. Russell his food?

    Answer: No one."He INDEPENDENTLY took the bible off the shelf and God turned on the light."

    Proof? Read" JW's in the 20th century" page.......27 ...I think

    Poor little lambs left without a shepard since ol' Freddie became worm dirt.

  • DanTheMan

    Just more dumbing things down, I think. They're so arrogant they think they don't need to explain themselves to anybody. "Believe it or be shunned" - those words should be on the front of every one of their stupid pubs.

  • ozziepost

    I've noticed that these past few years, the publications have gotten less and less 'meaty' i.e. little reasoning, simply repetition of dogma. It brings to mind the scripture about 'feeding the people husks', for that is what is clearly seen when you compare with what that 'sinful' Babylon the Great feeds on.

    "Dried figs have shriveled under their shovels. Storehouses have been laid desolate. Barns have been torn down, for the grain has dried up" - Joel 1:17 (NWT)

    How much more satisfying would be a John Stott book to a Dub.

    Cheers, Ozzie

    Edited by - ozziepost on 3 July 2002 21:10:36

  • Farkel

    : Nothing about the temple sanctuary or its courtyards.

    No doubt. They got spanked royally because of Freddie's absurd intepretation of naos and hieron.


  • metatron

    Exactly so! I think you're right.

    Change could come in this organization simply
    because the guys in charge can't make sense of
    what's been published and don't really believe it.

    the ghost of herbert armstrong strolls the halls of the WTS


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