Mom, Where Have You Been?

by Sentinel 8 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Sentinel

    Dear Friends,

    Just to remind you, my mom has been a faithful JW borg since 1959. She will be 78 in a couple weeks. She is a widow and lives alone. She also has a serious heart condition, but will not get surgery because of the blood issue. She is supposed to limit her physical activities.

    We manage to communicate now, only if I listen to her descriptions of the various types of foods she fixes, and all her aches and pains. When I attempt to discuss my own personal happiness, she won't hear it. She believes that I cannot be happy, or that if I am, I must be delusional. Anyway, her children take turns contacting her to make certain she's doing alright. My brother lives nearby.

    Well, this morning I tried to call her right when I got to work, which was close to nine. The phone rang and rang, and I thought, "well, she must be in the bathroom", or out on her little porch. (Her hearing is not the best.) So, I tried again an hour later, and she answered. When I inquired as to her whereabouts when I called earlier, this is what she told me.

    She said, "oh, I got up at six and took the bus to the local Mall, where I waited around at the bus stop, witnessing to all who would listen and giving away my magazines--there is so little time left, you know".

    I wanted to reprimand her and inquire of her if she thought that was a good idea, going out alone, at her age, with her heart condition. But, I kept my mouth shut. The Florida heat usually gets to her, and zaps her energies, so I'm certain that's why she was going out so very early. I think it would please her very much to be found dead, holding her bookbag of goodies while out in the service. She is such a martyr, and almost enjoys telling us these stories. She knows that we worry about her, and are too far away to do anything.

    What am I gonna do with her. This sweet little old lady with a heart of stubborn gold for her "cause", and total borg top to bottom and inside out?

    Just venting a bit here....


  • Perfection Seeker
    Perfection Seeker

    Sentinel- Your mom is mild compared to mine! :-) My mother would be the FIRST to strap on a bomb if the "organization" asked her to. She follows them closer than Osama's clan! You've replied to my posts before- sounds like we have been through alot of the same stuff. When will it ever end!?!? Hey- at least your mom still takes your calls :-)

  • ashitaka


    At this point, it would be cruel for us to reprimand her for going out in service. She obviously has little time left and she thinks this is bringing her closer to God, and probably is giving her comfort right now.

    I hope she does what she wants until the end, even if it is a lie. She followed it for so long, that for her to leave it now would negate her long life.

    Just be happy for her. I think that if you just cheerfully glaze over her working in the heat, her pride will come through not as ego, but hope.

    I hope your mom has a happy remainder of her life.


  • eyegirl

    OMG!!! are our mothers related??!?! my mother calls me occassionally to give me the rundown on the latest 'jw news' and happenings at the CA's and DC's. i don't know how many times i've heard her tell me that i'm going to die at armageddon. cripes!! i don't know why they can't see how everyone else leads normal, happy lives outside the org and it's the org that splits families and causes feuds! i hope your mother is more careful sentinel--i'm sure you worry about her alot.


  • Kjell Hedblom
    Kjell Hedblom

    Hi Sentinel! I understand that you love your mother Very Much as I also loved my mother so much(she died 4 years ago at the age of 84) I dont think there is much point of trying to change her. What you can do is to keep on showing her your love and just be there for her.She will be greatful for that even if she maybe dont express that to you in the way you want it.

    You have only one mother and when she is gone then she is gone:( My mother was bapthized 1954 almost simular to your mom.

    Hugs from Kjell Hedblom with Family

  • Carmel

    Actually, she sound like my late mother who was convince to her dieing breath that she had the "truth". I guess at that point, it doesn't matter if she's happy. Hope you can adjust to her physical absence. I suspect you will..


  • Sentinel

    Thanks everyone for your replies.

    I do love my mom, and she is the only mom I have, and I'm thankful she is still alive.

    I just wish she would show me a bit of respect, the same that I give to her.

    Having to listen to her tell me how close the end is, and that when it comes "then, I'll see" seems an unnessary cruelty on her part. It seems to me to be "judging" and "labeling", especially of her own children, who are good, upright, citizens.

    Remember that portion of a scripture that says something like, " and in those days, they will cry out and say, but did we not prophesy in your name, and do this and that in your name....and he will say to them, I never knew you at all". It makes me think of her and so many like her. I think they are going to be very surprised at how it all turns out.

    Love and Light,


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    Having to listen to her tell me how close the end is, and that when it comes "then, I'll see" seems an unnessary cruelty on her part. It seems to me to be "judging" and "labeling", especially of her own children, who are good, upright, citizens.

    I can feel for you I know how hard it must be to here those type of words.

    You poor mother is so conditioned by the Borg she thinks her words to you are showing love. Sad to say most loyal JWs have a warp way of expressing love. I think she loves you but only knows the JW way to express it,..namely warn those they concider God is going to destroy. You have my sympathy.

  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    Hey Dave....was wondering when I would run into you...Joe told me you were thinking of leaving the borg...glad to see you did....It's been a long while since we me if you'd like....Waterbury is so far away isn't it....hope to hear from you soon.....!!!

    CC Ryder

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