Truisms that are OH so true!

by simplesally 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • simplesally

    "It's hard to be religious when certain people
    are never incinerated by bolts of lightning."

    ~ Calvin

    I can think of some people I wish God would zap!

  • unclebruce

    Yeah i'm with you simplysally,

    God spends way too much time hovering above Golf courses for my liking. I mean what's he do? Wait till some poor luckless putter blasphemes skyward then zzzzap!!! bastard! (he is a genuine bastard ya know)


  • zenpunk

    I was struck by lightning at the age of 11. What does that mean?

  • unclebruce

    I was struck by lightning at the age of 11. What does that mean?

    well zenpunk i'd say that either jehovah was a bit testy that day or maybe just trying to get your attention. more information please. was there a voice like thunder? "ZENPUNK, ZENPUNK WHY DOEST THOU PERSECUTETH ME!" .. you know, that kinda thing.


  • zenpunk

    LOL Uncle Bruce! It was a bad storm and I refused to come inside, even though my mother was shouting at me. After I got hit and she ran outside, once she saw I just had a burn from it and wasn't dead, she said "see what happens when you don't listen to me!"

    By the way, they say that people who get struck by lightning attract it in some way. I used to think that was bunk until a couple of years ago, I was BBQing in a lighting storm (yes, I do crazy things). I said to my friend - "you know what, I can attract lighting" and, just as I said it, lightning sliced into the tree right in front of me. I ran inside like a shot! To this day, you can still see the slice down the side of the tree where the lightning hit.

  • Robdar

    LMAO at Simplesally and Unclebruce. Thanks for the laugh. I needed it.


  • unclebruce

    wow zenpunk, your mum sounds just like mine. Is she a serious woman with blonde hair and a red dress?

    Have you ever tested your bodies electric current? I've checked mine a few times (even a simple multuimeter will do)

    I am pretty electric (radios often get louder when i pass lol) .. not as bad as a good friend of mine who swears street lights often blow when he passes by. I saw it myself once and he just shrugged lol. (this blokes an army comando and the least supersticous person i know so there might be some truth in it)

    yeah thanks for the smiles folks, unclebruce

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