Kent Steinhaugh 's Great Finale !!!

by Explorer 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Explorer

    Kent Steinhaugh has this time made a great finale with his very honest and wholehearted explanation of his reasons to leave the Watchtower Observer administration. From the deep of my heart, I do admire and respect people like him.

    I hope all members of the board take a time to digest the subliminal, yet obvious message this great character of our era has had the courage to send to the world of those who know his work and dedication.

    I am with Kent all the way. I dont think its a kind of disaster if The Watchtower Observer cease to exist. He says. Not at all, I agree. For if the work he has been devoting his entire life for the past years had Jehovahs approval, someone else will take Kents burden, carry out his purpose, and reach success.

    All great works sooner or later find a way to be achieved, only the actors change. This of course, if such works do not interfere with the purpose of the Almighty , in which case we might find ourselves fighting against Jehovah Himself.

    Ken Steinhaugh deserves to be able to focus in deeper things in his every day activities, get rid of personal vendettas, get a life of his own and dedicate the rest of this life to his family and friends. Life itself is way too short not to be spent in uplifting activities, rather than in a worthless warfare that does not amount to anything good at the end, and leave you all worn out and empty. For those who have only a few years left in this world this truth becomes even more evident. Being the great mind that he is, obviously Kent has realized this.

    Thats why I think Kent Steinhaugh deserves all of our appreciation for his candor in letting us know the truth behind his disappearance of the scene. He says Personally Ive had enough for a good whileIm just tired of it all What a great lesson of humbleness, honesty and good common sense for many others here to imitate!!!

    No shooting star ever extinguishes without having illuminated the world some way or another. And I guess Kent has done just so, by sharing with us what can only be compared with Salomons sad conclusion of life when spent in other things rather than serving The Almighty God.

    Bravo Kent!!!Bravo!!!... What a Great Finale!!!

  • LDH

    This makes me rather sad. Although I've never spent much time at kent's board, I know many who have.

    I wish this was a couple of years ago, I would have gladly chipped in for Kent's sake. Being out of work for almost two years with pregnancy and baby is no fun, that's for sure! (I mean money wise)

    Kent, I wish you the best. Please feel free to drop me an email, maybe there is some things that could be worked out.


  • ISP

    Any link to this?


  • Angharad

    Edited by - angharad on 26 June 2002 13:25:14

  • Pathofthorns

    A much more suitable 'farewell' of sorts. Thank you and good luck.


  • ISP

    He's doing the responsible thing in looking after his family aspects. Thats cool. Looks like 'Norm' is in charge. It won't be a disaster or anything.


  • revdrjohnson

    This was one of the FIRST XJW sites I visited on the web, when i first learned how to surf the Net. Kent: I've enjoyed both our angst and our comeraderie. You'll be missed by more people than you could ever count.

    So, until things quiet down for you

    Yakki Dakki Doo Doo!!!!

  • Michael3000

    No offense, but Kent himself would be sickened by this shameless display of overt ass-kissing!

    That being said, Kent - YAKKI DA

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