Simon, Suicide & DF JW's thread

by qwerty 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • qwerty

    After reading the thread (link below) about the df JW Lad, it occured to me sites like this surely can help to save lives (sadly not in this example). It makes the blood boil to think the Borg as ruined so many peoples families, responsibility lays with them for suicides!


    I know I have had my days were I have had thoughts of suicide, thinking that would be the best way out for everyone! Yep I actually had the idea, I can empathise with what goes on in others heads when depressed, backed into a corner.

    I know for a certainty that being in contact with so many XJW's and current exiters, +been able to post thoughts and fears, making good friends, as helped pull me through the tuff times. I wished I had saved my post, from what must be 2 years ago when I posted my first topic "I thought I had the truth" I fink it was called. I couldn't believe the amount of replies and support I received! I guess my 275 posts are a little embarrassing after that long a time, maybe I should change my animation!

    Once again Thanks Simon.

    I enjoyed the Chat on the phone the other Day, nice to put a voice to your face.


    Edited by - qwerty on 23 June 2002 4:39:9

    Edited by - qwerty on 23 June 2002 4:45:5

    Edited by - qwerty on 23 June 2002 4:47:10

  • Simon

    You're welcome qwerty

    I can only imagine how lonely and depressing it must be for those who leave or even worse are forced to leave (believing it to be the truth) and who are without any support - friends and family all left behind. I do know how that can make you feel

  • Windchaser

    I want to thank you, too, Simon, for this fantastic web site.

    Although I was prone to suicide even before I entered my zombie state of jwism, the religion made matters much worse. I was the only one in my family to become a jw and with all my children grown and husbands gone before I walked away, I didn't have to deal with the horrors of my family not speaking to me like so many do. Bad enough to have lost one good friend who is still a jw.

    There have been so many times that thoughts of suicide have entered my brain. But, I learned so many years ago, that things usually are better the next day, that (if I take my zoloft) I can deal with things if I just hang on. So, that's what I've been doing. And thanks to websites like this, I have met some extremely great people who help me out of my funk. I am so proud to be an exjw and to know so many others who have weathered leaving and have survived.


  • Francois

    Hi qwerty, you can select the page icon right next to the number indicating how many posts you've made and it will return all the posts you've ever started. That way you can bring back your original post, or any others you've started.

    The other, smaller, page icon will bring up all the threads to which you've posted. Neat feature, what?

    Go for it. Your original post is right there waiting for you.


  • LyinEyes

    I dont know where to begin on this topic. But I totally agree with you , it makes me boiling mad too. I am sorry to hear about your thoughts about suicide. I have suffered depression for years, many contributing factors in my case and I since have eliminated things in my life that were tearing me apart. One thing I didnt realize that was driving me crazy was the boring borg life, it sucked the life out of me. There was always the feeling you were nott doing enough, you were not good enough, very self destructive thinking. I feel happier in this last year since leaving the borg, I was raised in it and it was not an easy choice. But I have never known so much happiness as I have lately and I thank Simon for this board. It is such a good form of therapy, because we can be open ,honest and get to have support from other who have been thru the same as we have. This is all to common amoung Jw's and ex jws trying to find their place in the world.

    I hope you hang in there and fight any feelings of suicide. Dont ever let them make you ever feel guilty anymore. That will eat at you and tear you down. My mother committed suicide and it was so traggic, she was only a35 the age I am now. I blame the borg for their part in it. She had just been disfellowshipped for smoking and 4 months later she felt she had no other place to go, she was alone and full of sadness and guilt.

    I have made some very good friends in this board and they have helped me thru some hard times, and I will forever be indebted to them for their unconditional support, something the JW never gave. Just hang in there and fight with all your might to have a good life. I wish my mom had this kind of support , and then maybe things would have been different. Never be afraid to talk about how you feel , if you ever need to talk you can get my email from my profile and I will always be there for you.

    Wishing you a happy , fullfilling life, LyinEyes(Dede)

  • TheStar

    I also need to send you many thanks, Simon. I could have never gotten through these past months without this forum. I wholeheartedly believe that without this forum I could have never gotten through the deprogramming process as quickly and easily. When I found this forum I was in a very depressed state and while I didn't want to commit suicide I did wish to be dead.

    I hope you realize how many lives you may have possibly saved from depression and death by keeping this forum running.

  • dyan4help

    I also thank you Simon. This site is needed to link us all together and see us through something most people don't understand. This helps us to cope and move on.


  • crawdad2

    i spent 20 yrs as a jw,........... most of it suicidal........ i couldn't figure out how come there was no love. .....the elders always seemed to do everything the opposite way of love.......... i saw many humble lowly persons get kicked around and made fun of, ........ while haughty, mean, liars were promoted as "good association"......

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