Thought Regarding OT Nation of Israel & Kings

by freemindfade 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • freemindfade

    Sorry when my mind wanders during indoctrination sessions i come up with this crap.

    So I was thinking, when the Hebrews wanted a king to be like all the other awesome nations around them, correct me if I am wrong, but god wasn't with it? Right? That was their idea, and another thing he "allowed". Now typically when man decided to go by their own wisdom against God's direction he'd wash his hands of it and completely step away and let them do it on their own. But in the case of having a king, he seemed pretty well involved no? How does this make sense?

    Personally I think this is more proof that the whole OT is so unharmonious but very political and used as propaganda and control for the time when certain things were really written. God: "I don't want you doing this, but since I'm gonna let you do it anyway, I'll anoint the kings ok?" Such rubbish. Now other times he'd be like you are all alone, best of luck. Or even outright aggressive, he didn't sanction it now people have to die.

    Silly desert God, he seems to change with the minds of men

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    When you start reading Jewish history, you start realizing that the accounts dealing with the failure of the nation had to be explained in a way to shift the blame on something that sounded reasonable to persons who believed the Creator and God of all the Universe was working "ONLY" with the nation of Israel. What better explanation than to say, "The people wanted a King so we got in trouble"

    It's better than saying, "God didn't really talk to us, the truth of the matter is that Other nations like the Philistines, Assyria, Babylon, etc. were just more powerful and capable than us and that's why we were being beaten by these other nations."

    Even today, when people are struck with some type of misfortune, they try to explain it away by saying something like, "We slacked off in our worship, or we sinned and now we are paying the price.

    If God was really having a conversation with the Nation of Israel and was working ONLY with them, wouldn't the most powerful and wise Creator in the Whole Universe tell the Nation, "Hey, your wrong in wanting a King, so I will tell you straight out--NO-WAY!

    Isn't that what we as parents would do if our 10 year old kid wanted a high speed motorcycle- NO WAY!

    Instead of letting him crash and get maimed and then saying, You wanted a motorcycle so that's what you get!

  • peacefulpete
    The earliest layers are likely fabrication. Such notions as a united kingdom including most all of Palestine was the result of historical rewriting post-Exile. The various Yahwahists from diverse tribes including the nations of Judah and Israel were artificially bound by a new origin myth for political reasons. The age-old tension between religious leaders and monarchs inspired at least some priestly contempt for Kings.

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