The 'House of God' put on notice!

by Jr 0 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Jr

    Let’s consider what is said about the “house of God.” 1 Peter 4:17 say, “Judgments starts with the house of God.” According to the WT though there seems to be an attempt to try to shift the responsibility away from them and place it elsewhere. The book of Revelation it’s Grand Climax at Hand, pg 260 says,

    “From 1914 to 1918, these [International Bible Students] suffered greatly at the hands of Babylon the Great, but in 1918 the Lord Jehovah and his ‘messenger of the [Abrahamic] covenant, ‘Jesus Christ, began judgment with ‘the house of God’, those professing to be Christians. Thus “apostate Christendom was brought to trial” (Malachi 3:1; 1Peter 4:17)”

    Did you get it? Yes, “apostate Christendom was brought to trial!” Christendom, and not God’s Name people, the JWs, here represents the “house of God” under judgment”. The “Society” clearly identifies Christendom as the “house of God”. They continue,

    “Her [Christendom] tremendous bloodguilt incurred during the first world war, her complicity in persecuting Jehovah’s faithful witnesses, and her Babylonish creeds did not help her in the time of judgment; nor did any other part of Babylon the Great merit God’s approval. Isa 13: 1-9”

    Now on other occasions, the WT applies the same expression of “God’s Household” mentioned at 1 Peter 4:17 to JWs. In the publication “Choosing the Best Way of Life, pg 133 par 48,49 & pg 135 par 52 they apply it to the Christian congregation. I quote,

    “As a “house of God,” the Christian congregation had its beginning in 33 CE. From that time onward its members have been under divine judgment. Their response to his will, and their attitude, words and actions toward the things that Jehovah allows to befall them have much to do with what his final verdict will be…Since Jehovah God allows his ‘loyal’ servants to undergo severe treatment to refine them and for them to demonstrate their devotion, how could we imagine that the “ungodly man and the sinner” inside the Christian congregation or “house of God” could even “make a showing “ before Him along with “the righteous man” inside the same congregation? “

    It is his name that matters to him in all generations. That is why he said of the Jews, “For, look! It is upon the city upon which my name is called that I am starting off in bringing calamity.” Jeremiah 25:29

    The “house of God “ could not ever have been Christendom because they never qualified to begin with. They never acknowledged Jehovah God’s as the one and only true God. Nor have they carried that name. Yes the “House of God” could only be the true Christian congregation. Would you not agree? That is why the scriptures say,

    “Now if it [judgment] starts with US, what will the end be for those who are not obedient to the good news of God?” 1 Peter 4:17

    The high qualification of being considered the “house of God” can only apply to the “true” Christian congregation. My point is this, if the “house of God” is JWs, there is much to answer for. For instance: Did you know that the “house of God” is destined to be severely disciplined by Jehovah in the last days?

    Isa. 30:26 says, “And the light of the full moon must become as the light of the glowing sun; and the very light of the glowing sun will become seven times as much, like the light of seven days, in the day that Jehovah binds up the breakdown of his people and heals even the severe wound resulting from the stroke BY HIM.”(The stroke-wound and restoration has not occurred yet)

    Jeremiah 23:19,20 says, “Look! A windstorm of Jehovah, rage itself, has gone forth, an onward-sweeping tempest. Upon the head of the wicked ones it will whirl. The burning anger of Jehovah will not turn back until he will have carried out and until he will have made the ideas of his heart come true. In the final part of the days you people [Israel] will give your consideration to it with understanding. “ (This raging in the final part of the days and this coming to understanding has not occurred)


    Edited by - Jr on 3 March 2001 23:24:0

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