Just curious...Anyone one else have experiences with JW friends or relatives who gave birth to children with Down's Syndrome? My sister has Down's Syndrome, she was born the year I left home. I often wonder how JWs justify bringing kids into the world when they know they will be unable to care for them all their lives. Is it the will of Jehovah that my sister has DS? No most certainly not, but a poorly reasoned descision to have a child after a recommended age, combined with the fanaticism of JWland, and an irrational belief that the child might not have the defect, mild or otherwise. I can still see the scene where my dad is right beside my mother and she's in labor and they are both praying to Jehovah....."Please let her not have Down's Syndrome.." This was even after the amniosyntesis? exam confirmed she definitely would. I love my sister very much, but many times I ask myself is it responsible to have kids after 40?Is it responsible to have a child w/serious mental or physical defect? Is it the responsible thing to bring a child into life when you know you won't be able to provide for them their entire life? I asked my parents what would happen to her when they die and they say they have arranged for her to live w/a JW family upon their passing Talk about blowing one's stack! The only advantage would be that tthe couple also hase a child w/Down's..but it would basically be a death sentence for our relationship. That's a bit off topic, but it all gets intertwined. It seems to me JWs do things like that with no forethought, just let Jehovah take care of it. I'm interested to know if there are others out there w/simmilar stories?
District Overbeer