Response mailed August 1997 by a brother

by IslandWoman 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • IslandWoman

    June 15, 1996

    Dear Brothers,

    In the article "What 'Instinctively Wise' Creatures Can Teach Us", the last paragraph ends with the sentence: "And they [true Christians] continue to learn from some 'instinctively wise' creatures." Proverbs 30:24,25 applies the term "instinctively wise" to the ant. The footnote stating that the literal meaning of that term is: "are wise ones, being made wise." Proverbs 6:6 also advises us to "Go to the ant...and become wise." Proverbs goes on to say that the ant "prepares its food even in the summer," just as "The son acting with insight is gathering during the summertime," (Pr 10:5), "A servant that is showing insight," (Pr 17:2); and "The pleasure of a king is in the servant who is acting with insight," (Pr 14:35).

    One of the cross references to Proverbs 14:35 is Matthew 24:45. The "faithful and discreet slave" in "being made wise" by Jehovah is then "instinctively wise" and dispenses the food to the domestics "at the proper time". True Christians do, then, "continue to learn from 'instinctively wise' [ones]". Why should the office of King/Priest go to the Faithful and Discreet Slave? Because by Jehovah's loving-kindness, immeasurable love, and great wisdom such a one has been created.

    The "Question From Readers" in the ..........

    With deep respect,


    (The last paragraph was left unfinished here. It will serve as an identifier.)


  • JosephMalik

    True Christians do, then, "continue to learn from 'instinctively wise' [ones]".

    Island Woman,

    True, but where are such instinctively wise ones? Not in the Watchtower with its many false doctrines and rules. They are individual Christians found everywhere acting independently of such organizatations that pervert truth. More truth has been dispensed on this forum then ever was dispensed by the Watchtower in its 100 or so years of existence.


  • dungbeetle

    What I'm hearing more and more is that 'the faithful and discreet slave' is anyone who will do good works toward others; those who are willing to stand up and shoulder the burdens of caring for those less fortunate for themselves; and so on and so on.

    That happens to be most of the people I've ever known in my life.

    And I were to compare them to ants, well, i don't consider that an insult!!!

    good article IW.

  • Francois

    My end stinks but it don't tell me what to do.


  • JosephMalik

    The interpretation should be WASH ME, WASH ME.


  • IslandWoman

    Joseph and Dungbeetle,

    Thanks so much for your responses. This thread is connected to the "First Toss" and "Second Toss" threads I started yesterday and today.


    I have always found you to be an enigma. So be it. Your talk about free sex in the Org. may be true but when I was young it was only the half-witted Jdub guys who spent their time looking for sex at assemblies.


  • MacHislopp

    Hello Joseph Malik,

    many thanks for your statement:

    "True, but where are such instinctively wise ones? Not in the Watchtower with its many false doctrines and rules. They are individual Christians found everywhere acting independently of such organizatations that pervert truth. More truth has been dispensed on this forum then ever was dispensed by the Watchtower in its 100 or so years of existence. "

    Excellent, factual and...TRUE!!!

    Greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

  • LoneWolf

    There is more going on here than meets the eye.

    Twice now you have used the phrase " . . . to be used as an identifier." Could it be that you too are looking for this specific individual that is to be a "leader"?

    Your posts are cryptic, as though to communicate messages to a certain individual or individuals, but hiding them in other messages.

    For what it's worth, one of the reasons that I'm deeply interested in this line of thought is that using such tactics as codes or secret tests to determine the authenticity of someone, whether of the anointed class or as the next leader, or anything else, and expecting Jehovah to miraculously indicate his choice --- flies directly in the face of the scriptures. This is in three or four different ways too.

    But perhaps this is where you are coming from too. When Jehovah doesn't answer in the manner they are hoping for, someone else could be chosen that should never be considered.

    As I recollect, there is more than one place in the Bible where the "responsible ones" picked a leader, only to have Jehovah anoint another in his stead.

    By the way, I've always loved the name Linda. When I was young, I always planned on giving one of my daughters that name. However, then I met a Linda, fell in love with her, and now we've been married for nearly 42 years.


    Edited by - LoneWolf on 24 June 2002 10:8:25

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