No more unity?

by LoyalLeon 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • LoyalLeon

    Does anybody here have a clue why the Society did not simply publish a revised edition of United in Worship of the Only True God, but changed the title to Worship the Only True God?

    Is unity no more considered as important? If a change of title seemed necessary, why not call it "United in Worship"?

    Or is this really a change in attitude, which became evident in WTs-literature over the last decade that personal responsibility is more and more stressed, being guided by principles instead of hard and fast rules?

    Has any body already had any looks into the changes made in the new book?


  • Prisca

    I'm guessing this is the new release, this book you're talking about?

    BTW, many countries don't have their district conventions until later this year, namely October, November etc.

  • Valis

    I would say easier to pawn off on the unsuspecting public publisher prey...easier to sigle a person out than automatically include them in a group..hence, more sales, and eventually more converts if they think they are doing it for themselves...


    District Overbeer

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Just play on words. Nothing new under the sun.

    Guest 77

  • 2SYN

    Unity amongst Dubs is a myth anyway, the GB custom-designs policy for every country, in order to increase their bottom line.

  • NeonMadman
    Or is this really a change in attitude, which became evident in WTs-literature over the last decade that personal responsibility is more and more stressed, being guided by principles instead of hard and fast rules?

    Haven't been reading your Watchtowers, now, have you?

    The organization has gone in completely the opposite direction in recent years. They are demanding more and more mindless submission and putting less and less emphasis on personal responsibility. They have been forcing out of the organization anyone who doesn't fit neatly into the 'mindless drone' class. That's why discussion boards such as this one are burgeoning.

    Changing titles like that is an old ploy. The Watchtower has been doing it for years. It tips off the drones that this is the same material they've covered before, but "updated" (read: rehashed and probably watered down).

    Thus: You May Survive Armageddon Into God's New World became Survival Into a New Earth.
    True Peace and Security - From What Source? became True Peace and Security - How Can You Find It?
    Organization for Kingdom Preaching and Disciple Making
    became Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry
    Is The Bible Really The Word of God?
    became The Bible - God's Word or Man's?

    Etc., Etc., Etc.

    Edited by - NeonMadman on 14 June 2002 7:4:5

  • metatron

    Try and find any reference to the blood issue in the new book.

    I couldn't


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