I need a little help with posting...

by GarbageGirl 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • GarbageGirl

    Can someone help me by telling me how to get a quote in your post?

    I had originally put one in my profile when I registered, but when I have posted, it isn't there. I'm really not computer illiterate, just trying to get used to this site.

    Thanks in advance!


  • gsx1138

    Wish I could help ya. I'm just as computer illiterate. I don't even know how to post a signature anymore or a photo. I'm going to give it a shot.

  • gsx1138

    Wow, it worked. Please disregard the above image. I your message tool bar when you go to post you'll see one that says insert message from web link. I downloaded that GIF from my hard drive. That is only thing I can figure out. Otherwise I don't know how to make different Emoticons.

  • GarbageGirl

    Oh geeezeeee!!!

    I didn't mean a post a quote....I meant post a signature!!! Yikes!! Where's my brain at?!?! I KNOW how to do a quote! [8>]



  • Simon

    gsx1138: Sorry to break it to you ... but it didn't work.

    Because you have set the picture to load off your local C: drive then you can see hte picture OK but none of us can. You need to load it onto some webspace first for it to be visible to everyone else.

    GarbageGirl: The signatures have been disabled for the time being.

    If you want to do a quote though you can still do that by putting the text between [quote ]This is my quote[/quote ] tags (without the spaces before the final ] ) or highlighting the text and pressing the quote button (top right on the toolbar). This would look like:

    This is my quote

    Hope this helps

  • GarbageGirl

    Thanks Simon! I appreciate the feedback. I thought I was losing my miind trying to put a signature in my post. You just saved my sanity!

    BTW, nice to meet you, Oh Supreme One.

    Thanks so much for your help!


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