Computer Question???

by Cassiline 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cassiline

    How does one "take a screen shot" of their computer screen?

    Thanking you for your time in advance.


  • D8TA

    Hit your PrintScreen key

    Got to MS paint (or any other art program ya got) And just paste. (may not paste, some graphic cards are qwerky that way)


  • Farkel

    D8TA is correct. I find it is easiest to paste it into the Paint program and save it and import it into your favorite imaging software. After you hit the PrntScrn button, open up Paint, click on the canvass and press Ctrl-V to paste it. When you save an image in Paint it is saved as a .bmp or bit-mapped file. You can then import it into PhotoShop or some other program, edit it and save it as a .jpg, .gif or .tif file. Or you can re-save it as a .bmp file. .bmp files are relatively huge though, compared with other formats.


  • SYN

    1. You need a program that can accept input from the global clipboard in the standard Windows bitmap format in same way - Photoshop is a good example.

    2. Create a new image the size of your screen in this paint program, then press PrintScreen to capture the entire screen.

    3. Go back to the paint program and paste the clipboard's contents into the newly made image. You may have to flatten the layers in Photoshop in order to further save it in a web-browser compatible image format like JPG or GIF. Note that unless your display is running in 8 bit colour, GIFs might come out horribly, depending on how many colours are on your screen simultaneously at the time you take the shot!

    And, as was mentioned, some GPUs are quirky when it comes to this. Paint Shop Pro has a feature that takes screenshots in a more automated, easier to use might wanna check it out,

  • VioletAnai

    There's too many cooks in the kitchen!

    Thanx for the shortcuts tho!

  • WildHorses

    Cassi, after that did you paste it into another program, such as paint? Or Word? To do this, hit ctrl+v

  • Nowhere

    Hi, i think you got the answers about how to copy and paste the screen, but who wants to know what the SysRq button is?

    Newsgroups: alt.folklore.computers
    Subject: Re: Keyboard - Sys Rq key? What is it for?

    >On my IBM compatible keyboard (Philips brand) on the Print Screen key is
    >marked Sys Rq. Any ideas on what it is for. Is it supposed to be used in
    >conjunction with the Ctrl key? I have never seen any program that calls
    >for this key combination. Part of DOS?

    Like Scroll Lock, it was added with the expectance that it would
    eventually be used, but never really was.
    Though both Microsoft's and Borland's debuggers can be configured to
    jump immediately to the debugger upon pressing Ctrl-Alt-SysReq. Sort
    of a near-miss Vulcan nerve pinch.

    The Sys Rq Key is used on IBM Mainframes, S/3x's and AS/400 to provide a
    sort of command line where you can modify settings, etc of your terminal
    settings. I don't know much about the S/3x machines, but on AS/400's
    using 5250 emulation you can access the system operators message queue,
    your own message queue, work with your job stats, start an alternate
    session, etc. Using an IBM kyb or in your case, the compat kyb, you would
    need to press the alt or reset key (left or right key next to the space
    bar) in conjuction with the SysRq key to bring up this command line....

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